

Richie Spasoff is an a American Avant-Garde Music Composer. Richie Spasoff is an American Avant - Garde Artist, composer, and multi - media musician. For 25 years, Richie has been composing his unique blend of music, soundscapes, soundtracks for Christian, instrumentals. His songs range from tranquil relaxation, smooth Jazz and instrumental inspirational Christian music . He will intrigue you with all his ability to touch your spirit with the grace of our Lord's Love and Compassion.



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Songs: 4

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Kingdom Of God's Dear Son

Kingdom Of God's Dear Son

9 months ago - Comments: 0
Infinite Atonement

Infinite Atonement

9 months ago - Comments: 0
Good News

Good News

9 months ago - Comments: 0
Enchanted Grounds

Enchanted Grounds

9 months ago - Comments: 0

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