Jack Hoover


I was raised in the Arkansas Ozarks, near Eureka Springs, by a Christian family that never had a lot of anything other than love. We always had plenty of love. In fact we had so much love that we shared it with the people next door, the people down the road, the people in town, and the people in the next town over. At times we even had occasion to share it with people in the next county over and beyond. This was a love that was deeply rooted in the Word of God. My prayer is to share that love through my writings, based on truths from the Word of God. Thank you



Location: Springfield, MO
Country: US


Blogs: 11
images: 8
Songs: 1

I'm back!

user image 2010-05-24
By: Jack Hoover
Posted in:

It's been awhile since I've posted here, and I apologize for my absence. In fact I'd like to ask for your forgiveness. I've been in a spiritual battle, knowing that I would emerge victorious, but not knowing when. It's been a long dry spell, much like what was talked about in my blog post, "Valley of Baca." I've been digging wells! I would like to announce that Marsha and I were married on May 11th after much prayer. We are currently in prayer for guidance on a writing project, which we hope to co-author together. I am more thankful to be a part of this site than any other I belong to, and I am so thankful for my wonderful friends here. I humbly ask you to please pray for Marsha and me that we will become doers of all that God wants us to do, and that our love for God will continue to grow, as well as our love for one another. God bless you all. A parting thought..........

You can't have inalienable rights when you deny the One that made them inalienable.

Toria Newman
05/24/10 10:23:42AM @toria-newman:
Great to see you back Sweetie

Jean Winter
05/24/10 01:47:38PM @jean-winter:
Hi Jack Welcome back. God Bless Jean


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