Jack Hoover


I was raised in the Arkansas Ozarks, near Eureka Springs, by a Christian family that never had a lot of anything other than love. We always had plenty of love. In fact we had so much love that we shared it with the people next door, the people down the road, the people in town, and the people in the next town over. At times we even had occasion to share it with people in the next county over and beyond. This was a love that was deeply rooted in the Word of God. My prayer is to share that love through my writings, based on truths from the Word of God. Thank you



Location: Springfield, MO
Country: US


Blogs: 11
images: 8
Songs: 1

Why Do I

album: Professional Demo
streams: 16

Why Do I
Donna Hise
06/16/15 04:44:53PM @donna-hise-donnasmusicqk-deejaniccag:

I really like this song. -djG


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