Jameka Morrison & TruWorship


Jameka A. Morrison was born and raised in New Haven, CT. She began writing and rapping at 11 years old. While shopping her to demo, God interrupted her plans and saved her on July 19, 1994. Shortly thereafter, she hosted her very own television talk show for 8 years and was ordained as an evangelist in 1999. She has been on the move for the Lord preaching and singing ever since. In 2003, she formed her singing group Oneness which God renamed TruWorship in 2009 based on John 4:23. The members of TruWorship are Tashana Perry (soprano), Evongee Smart (alto)and Kim Jenkins (tenor). They all have one thing in common and that is to make sure that Christ is exalted and presented to the world in these last and evil days. Jameka Morrison & TruWorship a truly anointed by God to be an inspiration to all who are seeking it.


Location: Hartford, CT
Zipcode: 06101
Country: US


Songs: 1

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TruWorship Sampler

TruWorship Sampler

15 years ago - Comments: 0


Karen Showell
03/25/15 06:28:36PM @karen-showell:


My name is Karen Showell

I would love to be your friend and fan.

Please check out my Galleries.

There are tons of  FREE  Graphics,

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My God bless you and me he grant you the desires of your hearts.

Be Encouraged.

Karen Showell

Here is my page.


Jean Winter
10/03/10 08:49:55PM @jean-winter:
Hi Jameka Welcome to Indie Gospel. God Bless Jean


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