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Five kinds of end times people teaching
Five Kinds of end times people
I sense this morning that there will be five kinds of people in these end times period
Kind 1 Those on whom are ready for the rapture and indeed go in the rapture. These are NOT lukewarm and have NOT lost their first love, heeding all of the warnings of the end times. I fervently pray there are many of these and that this warning text will increase their numbers even more. I have no wish to see ANY miss the rapture for any reason at all. I will add a salvation prayer too. I pray you read this in time to be taken in the rapture but even if not you can still be saved.
Type 2 those who miss the rapture but repent afterwards likely to be martyred. These are the groups of people spoken of in Revelation chapter 5 and 7, perhaps, especially chapter 7. At the rapture these will have left their first love and or have been found to be too lukewarm to be taken in the rapture. These will almost certainly receive the crown of life. I urge readers of this before the rapture to repent NOW so as not to be a part of this group but group 1!!
Type 3 those who are NOT saved now but DO get saved after the rapture. If you are reading this after the rapture and fall into this type or even type 2 know there is hope for you, if you repent NOW of your sins! It will almost certainly cost your life but that is far better than to be hard and take the mark of the beast and be in hell forever. To be saved and a part of this group or if read in time to be a part of group 1 please pray this prayer with me
Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness. I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin. You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess Jesus as our Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we will be saved. Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Thank you Jesus for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself. Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life.
Now that you are saved then take time to read the bible, especially the end times chapters with the Lord. These include Daniel, Matthew 24, 25, Mark 13, Luke 12,17, 21, and especially the book of Revelation. Pray fervently to the Lord for Revelation of these and other scriptures and just a good relationship with Him. I also recommend seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues- that has been a real blessing for me personally.
I will go over the last two types briefly for it is NOT my wish for ANY to be in them at all but I know there will be people who will be. Type 4 is someone who is not ready for the rapture, like type 2, with the same issues but instead of repenting gets mad at God and hardens, falling completely away from the faith, probably helping persecuting the Christians. Type 5 is the like, an unsaved hardened soul who refuses to repent no matter what, who takes the mark and sides with the Antichrist openly. Types 4 and 5 are those who are described in Revelation in chapters 9 and 16 as those who refuse to repent for all the judgments whose end will certainly be the lake of fire.
Please, please, do NOT let your hearts harden when the times come. Of course that is Satan our enemies goal, but I want all to be saved.
Now here is some more end times materiel for your reading to help you be ready for the soon to come rapture.
In October 2010, The Lord came to me, from my right side, when I was preparing for bed, HE told me "take off your night gown" and I was shocked, I said "Lord, why would you ask me to do such a thing?" and HE said "RAPTURE, VERY VERY SOON!" and I said "O K A Y!!!" and I obeyed HIM, than HE said "get on your hands and knees and this is what you must do when I come and call your name!"
I later asked HIM, "when will this happen?" and HE gave me a month and number, i have seen this number pass a couple years, now, I don't believe the number was a day, but a year, I asked HIM, "can I tell everyone?" and HE said "they will think your foolish" so I have only shared this with less than a handful of those who know me and know I live in TRUTH and LOVE!
All I will say to YOU now, is PLEASE, PLEASE be prepared NOW, HE is coming VERY VERY SOON!!! HE does not want YOU to suffer thru the Great Tribulations and neither do I. HE is the most loving and gentle GOD! HE will not force you to have a relationship with HIM because HE gives us free will, you must chose to do this or miss the Rapture of HIS Bride and you will for certain feel the wrath of God, HE is a just God and you will either suffer persecution because you finally get it and willing to stand to the point of death or you will go to the pit of HELL with Satan!
HE has used me as an End Times Prophet for the doom and gloom and it grieves my spirit. My strength and guidance comes from HIM and I have cried out and even gotten angry at HIM and HE sent one of HIS Angels to wake me and said "OKAY, YOU WANT TO GO NOW?" and instantly I knew I have a very important and critical duty here on earth, so I replied "NO, I WILL WAIT UNTIL HE COMES FOR HIS BRIDE!" since this visitation in 2010, I have stopped my crying and anticipate HIS return which I KNOW IS VERY, VERY SOON AS HE PROMISED ME!!! All I can say is "Come Lord Jesus Come!" THIS IS NOT MY HOME!
Stop procrastinating and WAKE UP, repent of your sins and build a relationship with HIM NOW or YOU will miss the RAPTURE and be Left Behind to face the GREAT TRIBULATION, which is the most horrific time on earth and YOU WILL remember these Words as HE told me you would and MY LORD CANNOT LIE!!!
I only answer to God and NOT Man, so I don't care if you chose to believe me or not and think I'm a fool but I do hope and pray you take heed to this warning. I was given October 13, I have seen a couple of these days pass, but could it be October 2013, which is this very month ? Only God The Father knows for certain! But I want people to prepare NOW as HE comes as a thief in the night!!! Repent NOW of your sins, give forgiveness to all offenses as HE forgave us who have repented, read His Word daily, stay in constant prayer and fellowship with HIM. HE wants a relationship with you, not religion!!! Praise You Lord Jesus Christ!
I am feeling led to share this message again that I found on Facebook along with tips and a prayer to see that you are rapture ready, as I have a feeling that the Father may soon order the trumpet blown, triggering the rapture, due to the evil of the world and the prayers of the saints who want the rapture- it is up to the Father of course:
Urgent Christ is Coming Soon to Rapture His bride!
The second week of September 2013, a pastor was driving his car traveling, and saw an old man walking on the road, he decided to give him a lift in the car. While traveling the old man told the pastor, "Son you know what happened last night in heaven?" The pastor got scared and quickly stopped the car and asked, " Sir are you okay, how did you obtain information from heaven?" The old man said, "Last night in heaven God was very angry against man and He told the angels to sound the trumpets and when they were going to begin to sound the trumpets was when Jesus prostrated before God and began to plead with tears in His eyes. Then fresh blood started coming out of his hands and body. Christ told God to have mercy, for His death was not in vain. When God, seeing His son and seeing the pain of His saints and also the wickedness of the wicked, God said, " IM GIVING THEM ONE LAST CHANCE." Jesus returned to the angels and told them that a great number of angels were to rush all over the world and tell the world that THE END IS NEAR and that JESUS IS COMING SOON." The pastor asked wiping his tears, " How do you know all this? " The old man replied, " I am one of the angels that were sent into the world," And went on to say the pastor, " Please use all means of communication and send this message, there is no time to lose." And the old man disappeared. To summarize it, this story is real, Christ is coming soon. Please save a soul today and make sure you are rapture ready for the above makes me feel that the rapture is really drawing close, though I am by NO MEANS prophesying an exact date, but I encourage you to seek the Lord in prayer to be ready as if it is going to be immediately occurring. I am sharing this with you all in love, not wishing any should miss the coming rapture!
Here are 10 steps that can be of help to be ready for the soon coming rapture:
1. Make sure that you have received Jesus Christ into your life as your PERSONAL Lord and Savior(see the salvation prayer above and use it if need be).
2. Examine your own heart for any signs of backsliding, worldliness, unwatchfulness, compromising, and lukewarmness.
3. REPENT (Turn COMPLETELY away from sin and turn COMPLETELY around towards Jesus). Sin separates you from God, even as a Christian.
4. Study end-time Biblical prophecy(Daniel 7-12, Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 17, 21, 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5, other places but the book of Revelation in particular) until you become completely convinced that His Coming is, indeed, AT THE DOOR. This will help keep you from temptation and sin. JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON!!! Lord help me be absolutely convinced YOU ARE at the door!!!!!
5. Do something for the Lord. (Passing out tracts would be a good start.)
6. Examine your priorities, lest the CARES OF THIS LIFE cause YOU to MISS THE RAPTURE, as we are so adamantly WARNED about in Luke 21, and so many other Scriptures.
7. Draw closer to God by praying, reading His Word, attending a fundamental church as often as possible, and surround yourself with a Christian atmosphere (Christian friends, books, music, radio, TV, etc.)
9. Listen for His voice and then STAY OPEN TO THE LEADING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.
10. Act upon that which the Lord is calling you to do. DO IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!
Please also pray and ask the Lord Jesus to see if you are indeed ready and to give you peace if you and If the Lord has planted even the least bit of doubt or uneasiness in your heart, will you swallow your pride and pray this prayer with me:
"Dear Lord, Thank you for preparing a WAY OF ESCAPE from the horrible Tribulation to come. It is my sincere desire to be ready for your Soon Return, so that I can participate in the Rapture. Give me a COMPLETE PEACE IN MY HEART FROM YOU if I am, indeed, ready. Let there be no false sense of security in my heart concerning my readiness for Your Return. Begin to reveal to me things in my life and in my heart that might keep me from the Rapture. Show me what I need to do to BE READY and then give me the power to act upon that which you show me to do. Draw me away from the world and closer to you every day. Use me in whatever way you can to help others
who may not be ready for your Return. Fill me with your peace when I am ready and fill me with YOUR POWER, for victory over sin and temptation, and for effective service for your kingdom. In Jesus' mighty name, Amen