James J Dougherty


I am 46 years old single male living now in Tennessee,going to school, but I am willing to go wherever God may call me. I am servant hearted and always wanting and willing to serve the Lord in all ways. All is for His glory and purposes, and hopefully to brind people to Him before He comes for His bride. I am praying for missions trips too someday



Location: Cleveland, TN
Zipcode: 37311
Country: US


Blogs: 743
images: 136

A salvation prayer

user image 2014-03-12
By: James J Dougherty
Posted in:

Here is another sinner's prayer which You can invite the Lord Jesus into Your heart and begin that wonderful and incomparable relationship with God. Say this prayer aloud and with all Your heart and meaning every word and God will hear and you will be saved. This is the beginning for then the Holy Spirit will begin a process of life changes to a new life that will go on indefinitely. I know it has been so with me since I said a similar prayer over six years ago. God bless you
Dear Father in heaven
I realize that I am a sinner and worthy of the fires of hell. At this moment I confess my sins and ask You to forgive me for my rebellion against You and my refusal to accept the love of Christ. I accept the sacrifice that Your Son Jesus made for me on Calvary's cross. I believe that You raised Him from the dead and I confess with my mouth that Jesus is my Lord. Thank You for hearing this prayer and accepting into the family of God because of the blood of Christ that covers my sins and I know from this moment on I am saved. Thank You Lord and in Jesus Name this prayer is made, Amen


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