Born and raised in Willow Spring,NC. Been in music ministry over 24 years ,leading praise & worship,playing guitar,singing,song writing,in worship bands,teaching and sharing about music,worship. Love the lord with all my heart and try my best to live a life that pleases the Lord
Zipcode: 27592
Country: US
To Close To Where You Got In ??
Growth is the goal of the Christian.Maturity is mandatory......
I like the story of the little boy who fell out of the bed.When his mom asked him what happened,he answered, "I don't know.I guess I stayed too close to where I got in."
Easy to do the same with our faith.I see it in christians all time time.It's tempting to stay where we got in and never move or grow.Its comfortable just to come ,go,listen and never move forward in what God has for us.Its a tactic of the devil to keep us from being all we can be for God.
I'm going to ask you to pick a time in the not-to-distant past.A year or two ago. Now ask yourself a few questions.How does your prayer life today compare to then? How about your giving of funds and time?Has the amount and joy increased? What about your church loyalty and growth? Can you tell you've grown? And Bible study? Are you learning to learn? Are you desiring to learn more ? Biggest question,are you talking about God to more people and leading them to the Lord ?
Friends ,I'm not tying to be critical.I'm asking my self the same questions. I say, if you are not growing ,then we need to look at our walk with the Lord.We need to look at the church we go to. If we are not growing and becoming a better christian then something is wrong.We need to evaluate where we are .We don't need to be just spectators. We are called to be disciples of Christ and that's not just sitting in a church not growing in the Lord. I've been there myself.
I love you all and want to encourage you to be all you can be for the Lord.Ask God to help you .Ask Him to help you grow.Ask Him to show you what He wants in your life and where he wants you. Don't make the mistake of the little boy.Don't stay too close to where you got in. It's risky resting on the edge..
God bless and I'm always here for you if you need to talk. Love in Christ,Jerry Fuller