Jerry Fuller


Born and raised in Willow Spring,NC. Been in music ministry over 24 years ,leading praise & worship,playing guitar,singing,song writing,in worship bands,teaching and sharing about music,worship. Love the lord with all my heart and try my best to live a life that pleases the Lord


Location: Willow Spring, NC
Zipcode: 27592
Country: US


Blogs: 16
images: 7
youtubes: 8
Songs: 15

Locked Behind Bars No More

user image 2013-10-14
By: Jerry Fuller
Posted in:

Friends,I want you to think of it this way.Sin put you in prison.Sin locked you behind the bars of guilt and shame and deception and fear.Sin did nothing but shackle you to the wall of misery.Then Jesus came and paid your bail.He served your time;he satisfied the penalty and set you free.Christ died,and when you give your life to Him,your old self dies too.

The only way to be free from the prison of sin is to serve its penalty.In this case the penalty is death.Someone has to die,either you or a heaven-sent substitute.You cannot leave prison unless there is a death.But that death has occurred at Calvary.And when Jesus died to sin's claim on your life. You are free.


My friends,if you are still locked behind the prison bars of sin,please let Jesus bail you out.Give Him your life.He has already paid the price. Please send me a message if you need to know more.

To my friends that have been bailed out of that prison by Jesus,doesn't it feel good? What a loving God we have that sent His Son to die for us.

I love you all and I'm here for you,



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