Jerry Fuller


Born and raised in Willow Spring,NC. Been in music ministry over 24 years ,leading praise & worship,playing guitar,singing,song writing,in worship bands,teaching and sharing about music,worship. Love the lord with all my heart and try my best to live a life that pleases the Lord


Location: Willow Spring, NC
Zipcode: 27592
Country: US


Blogs: 16
images: 7
youtubes: 8
Songs: 15

The Curse Of Imperfection

user image 2013-10-10
By: Jerry Fuller
Posted in:

       Perfection eludes all of us.We get up in the morning determined to get it right today,but before we know it we've done something that is not quite right in God's eyes.The same thing happened to God's servants in the Bible.As we observe great biblical characters,we can see how tough it is to achieve perfection.For example,Paul,the greatest missionary ever,admitted that he sometimes did what he knew he shouldn't do.( "What I want to do I do not do,but what I hate I do." Romans 7:15)
      There was only one perfect person that walked on the earth and His name is Jesus. We all fall short and when we do it's our responsibility to confess our sins to God and accept His mercy.Our sin should also remind us that we need Jesus Christ our Savior and the forgiveness He offers.
      When the curse of imperfection hits,we can learn from it,confess our sins and keep on going. Praise the Lord !
     Friends ,I pray that my little teachings help you in some way.They speak to me as much as they do you. I ask you to ask yourself,What area of my life is giving me trouble?That is,what is pointing out your imperfections?What happens to your relationship with God when you sin?
      Sin separates us from God but repenting brings us back close. I mess up at times and i know you do too.We are not perfect.We should try to live everyday without sin but when something we say,do or think ,that is not right pops up we should just confess it to God. He loves that. He is so merciful and loving and He knows we are not perfect .We need Him every day.
                                                                     God bless, I love you, Jerry Fuller

Zack Martin
10/11/13 07:34:38PM @zack-martin:

Amen, Brother, you stated that right. That is why we have to DAILY ASK GOD TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS!

Zack Martin
10/11/13 07:34:38PM @zack-martin:

Amen, Brother, you stated that right. That is why we have to DAILY ASK GOD TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS!


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