Born and raised in Willow Spring,NC. Been in music ministry over 24 years ,leading praise & worship,playing guitar,singing,song writing,in worship bands,teaching and sharing about music,worship. Love the lord with all my heart and try my best to live a life that pleases the Lord
Zipcode: 27592
Country: US
God's Truth
What if i took you to the top floor of a tall building like the Empire State Building ? What if I then opened a window and said,"Jump!!" Would you do it ???? I don't think so ! You understand the law called "gravity." The one God created and Isaac Newton discovered.Because of gravity,jumping would be a long fall to your death.
But what if someone said,"Wait a minute,Jerry,that's your truth.Who says there's only one truth? We believe that with proper technique you could actually float !"
Then what if the whole world started to trust in this lie---that one could float after jumping out of the window of a tall building?What if I were the only person left in the whole world who believed that one would fall -- not float? Would that change the truth?
Does the majority rule here? NO! Truth is not Silly Putty that can be shaped however we want.Trust the truth regardless of how the majority votes.We as Christians are told by this world every day to accept things that are not the truth.
Jesus made a definitive statement in John 14:6. he said," I am the way and the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father except through me.
Most of the world has rejected that statement and the One who made it.Many believe there are other roads to God.They feel they can believe what they want and "float" into the arms of God one day.That however is trusting a lie.Many people even Christians are giving in to believing lies like,evolution,false religions,false gods and twisting the truth of the Bible to suit the world.
Truth --- like gravity --- is not about numerical majority.Friends ,you can count on this ---- there is one truth. That truth is in Jesus Christ alone. Please my friends don't jump to the majority . Stand on the truth .I am.Even if I have to stand by myself. Please stand with me .Let's be Christians that stand bold on the truth and not waver the truth.
I Love You my friends, Jerry