Joe La Bianca




Location: Gettysburg, PA.
Country: US


Blogs: 43


user image 2009-12-29
By: Joe La Bianca
Posted in:
Our Need by Joe La Bianca

Hebrews 7:26
Such a high priest meets our need - one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens.

Jesus meets our needs. We have needs, you know. If you don’t know this, you are deceived. If you do, there is real hope for you.
What needs of ours are met by Jesus? Well first, Jesus is holy. How is the holiness of Jesus a need of ours? Don’t we need our own holiness? We have no holiness, people. All have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. All, that is, except Jesus. Jesus is willing to give us His holiness when we believe in His sacrificial death. Without faith in Christ’s cross, we have no holiness and our need for holiness goes unmet. How else can one understand this verse? We require holiness to go to Heaven, but we have none. So Jesus meets that need for the believers. If you think you are holy enough for Heaven, this means that you deny Jesus and must do everything in the law of Moses to acquire your own holiness. You are humanly unable to do that, so you must trust in Jesus to get His holiness. The holiness of Jesus is met in the believer.
Jesus meets our need for blamelessness. Our High Priest Jesus is blameless and this somehow benefits us. The blamelessness of Jesus guarantees His acceptance with God and this meets our need for acceptance with God. We are accepted through Jesus.
Are you blameless? No! There is something about you that you can be blamed for. But Jesus is blameless, and when you trust Him as your Savior, He meets your need for blamelessness. Without Jesus you are responsible for every wrong you have ever done. God will not ignore your wrongs. Only in Christ will God forget your sins. Blessed is he whose sins God will never count against him.
Jesus meets our need for purity. We are not pure as people. We are impure. To be impure means that there is some uncleanness about us. Even a trace of uncleanness makes us impure. Purity is perfection and Jesus meets our need for purity when we believe in Him. Our only Priest is pure and as far as God is concerned, so are we. God will not accept us in our impurity. We would make Heaven impure if not for the perfection of Jesus. Heaven does not consist of impure people.
There are no levels of impurity in Heaven. There is only perfection. When we believe in the One that God has sent, we are made perfect by imputation. God attributes the flawless goodness of Jesus to us. This is why we can go to Heaven, the place of perfection. This is why there are people in Heaven while Heaven yet remains perfect. Everyone in Heaven is there with the perfection of Jesus. You won’t find a person walking around there in his own righteousness.
Jesus is set apart from sinners. This is not a “holier than thou” statement, a jeering of the sinners. Jesus is set apart for us. This is good news. If Jesus weren’t at a distance in His nature from sinners, no one could be saved. The sinless perfection of Jesus qualified Him to die for us. Our sin pays us death. We must receive this payment. Death is separation. The first death is when the spirit separates from the body. The second death is when the spirit is subsequently separated from God. The first death cannot hurt you. It is only falling asleep. The second death can hurt you. Blessed are those who are not hurt by the second death.
The way to escape the second death is through faith in the cross of Jesus. This is because Jesus paid our death debt on the cross when He offered His sinless body, bore our sins in His body, and reversed the curse of death. Trust in the story of the cross pays our debt to God. This is why Jesus can provide our need by being separate from sinners. You may reject all this, but let me tell you, your rejection will not cancel the wage of death that you earned with your sin. You are already condemned and Jesus came to save you. Receive salvation by believing in His sacrificial death for you.
Jesus is exalted above the heavens. Do you want to go to the third Heaven? Then believe that Jesus will provide this need through what He did 2000 years ago. The bible teaches that the first heaven is our atmosphere. The second heaven is the starry hosts or the universe. The third Heaven is where Paul was caught up to. He saw unspeakable things. Jesus is there right now, at the right hand of God. Jesus sent His Spirit to help you believe in Him, to comfort you and empower you. You receive the Holy Spirit by believing in the cross.
Here are some thoughts on our Triune God. God is three in one, like fire. You have the flame itself, which can be likened to the Father. You have the light that travels from the flame, like Jesus who came in to the world as the light of the world. Then you have the heat which is like the empowering Holy Spirit. Heat is power. This is how the universe works, i.e. “thermodynamics”, which means heat energy.
With fire you must have the flame, the light, and the heat. You can’t separate them. Fire is three in one and so is God. We are three in one; body, soul, and spirit. The atom is too; protons, neutrons, and electrons. So don’t tell me you can’t believe in a TRIUNE God.
Jesus, our only Priest, is our go-between. Jesus bridges the gap between God and people. We as people cannot reach God, so Jesus reaches God for us, as the High Priest. A priest is like a bridge. God is on one side and we are on the other. The bridge connects us. The bridge is the way. Jesus is the only bridge to God.
We need no man to be a priest for us. To believe that we do is to disbelieve in the all sufficiency of the Priesthood of Jesus. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the Man Christ Jesus. We have a High Priest that meets our needs. Thank God for this. Thank God for sending His Son to settle the dispute. The dispute between God and humankind was settled on the cross. If you believe this then Jesus has already turned aside the oncoming wrath of God. If you don’t believe it, then the wrath of God rests on you!

I’d like to take this opportunity to say a special hello to all my readers in Japan. Thanks for subscribing to my blog. God bless you all!!
Jean Winter
12/29/09 07:28:07PM @jean-winter:
Well written Joe God Bless Jean
Joe La Bianca
12/29/09 07:54:04PM @joe-la-bianca:
Thanks Jean!!


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