John McCabe


Hello , My name is John McCabe , I am a country singer , I am signed with Lamon records in Nashville TN for distribution on my music, Iam sending my latest Christian country song for your review . I record in nashville and I am coming back soon to tour both Canada and the USA . I have entertained in Both places for 25 years .


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You Can Never Steal A Bible By John McCabe

album: John McCabe
streams: 96

You Can Never Steal A Bible      By John McCabe
T. Roy Taylor
01/17/20 02:15:02PM @t-roy-taylor:

This song is an ear listening stopper! Spirit filled with a strong

message of carrying on in life with the Word of the Lord.

The unique lead vocal stands out with strong and clear deliverance

of the songs message which will keep listeners listening!

Very well sung, written and arranged tune.

T. Roy Taylor of "T. Roy Taylor's Top 20" at indiegospel. net

T. Roy Taylor
01/15/20 09:57:44AM @t-roy-taylor:

John - Your song has been selected for the new "T. Roy Taylor's Indie Gospel Top 20"

 Chart. Congratulations!

To Get There:

Type in "T. Roy Taylor" - this will take you to my music page.

Underneath my name you'll see the "Playlist" button. Click on it.

You'll see "T. Roy Taylor's Indie Gospel Top 20" - click on it.

 when the page opens you'll see the Top 20 artists from Song #1-20.

Top to bottom.

So invite your friends, family and fans to come visit you at our NEW TOP 20 chart page to

listen to your song and invite their unsaved friends to the Top 20.

It might save them from hell!

That's how powerful yours and other artists songs are!!

Spread the Word!

JESUS Christ is available 24/7 to save souls from

the kingdom of darkness!

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