john tannery


i gave my life to jesus 17yrs ago


Location: Greer, SC
Zipcode: 29651
Country: US



Ken Rich
05/01/11 09:48:18PM @ken-rich:
Hi John, Nice to meet you.

Indie Gospel Artists

Zack Martin
05/02/11 01:44:22AM @zack-martin:
Hi John - thanks for accepting my invitation to join Indi Gospel Artist. I thought that you would like it here. They really concentrate of getting the gospel of Jesus Christ out to people who need Him as Lord, and Savior. Everything I have witnessed here in very professional and above board. When click on Media it takes you to different people that play song of the Indi Gospel Artist and your songs will get shared throughout the network here. GHod bless you Brother. O By The Way, I did a concert tonight at Basin Baptist Church between Elba and Kinston, Alabama. Everything went well. Catch you later Brother. I guess I missed you on facebook and skype, because I have gone there looking for you without locating you.


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