
I Thank God for his daily blessing and I read my bible daily because THE BIBLE = Your marriage counselor , your spychologist , your anger management class, your addiction executioner, your stress reliever , your fear destroyer , your sadness demolisher your worries slaughterer. Resist that negative force who’s restraining you from reading it because he doesn’t want you to discover the secret and answers of all your troubles


Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Zipcode: 33319
Country: US


Blogs: 1
images: 9
Songs: 2


God in the beginning of times created Adam pure and from his ribs  created Eve  without sins , pure .  God told Adam not to eat from the forbidden tree but the serpent duped him and Eve , they ate from that tree .  They became sinners  and that’s how every human being became a sinner .


A sinner is someone who is not pure , who makes mistakes , lies , gossip , does bad things to others ,  dislike some people

( bad side)  We are all sinners .

Sinners also do lots of good things , they help people , feed the hungry , give them clothing , love and help others carry their burden . ( Good side )


All human beings walking this earth are sinners  and all sinners have  a good side ( God  three in one : God , Jesus and the Holly spirit ) sends his good messages and controls the good side ) God  also created the universe and he’s able to read minds , knows your heart and in a split second can accomplish miracles .


Many times God...

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