Michael Bushilla


Our Story Since 1940, thousands of people from all over the world and all walks of life -- from affluent doctors, lawyers, and accountants, to construction workers, laborers, farmers, hard core bikers, and factory workers – are drawn to Sturgis for the biggest biker party in the U.S., maybe even the world. They are drawn to Sturgis to share their love of motorcycles and to party. It's a Mardi Gras-type atmosphere…party all night, get up the next day and party again without any care for the consequences. The FREE_bike wash presents a whole different scene. Bikers or motorcyclists come into the bike wash thinking they'll get a FREE_bike wash and maybe donate to a worthy cause. The FREE bike wash is a simple act or demonstration of love to the bikers. The bike wash does not accept ANY donations during the rally. Bikers are prayed over while someone washes their motorcycles and then asked if they need any special prayer in their life. Some are taken aback, particularly being in Sturgis. Most are very gracious and ask for prayer for loved ones who have cancer or for their broken and hurting relationships with a spouse, ex-spouse, or children. Then while the bikers wait for their bikes, they are offered FREE food and a cold drink with a shaded place to relax and read about How Jesus Loved the WHOLE WORLD, including them and the purpose behind the bike wash:. God DEMONSTRATED his own love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 ”And not as through one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment came of one unto condemnation, but the FREE gift came of many trespasses unto justification.” Romans 5:16 ”So then as through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one act of righteousness the FREE gift came unto ALL men to justification of life.” Romans 5:18 ”that, as sin reigned in death, even so might GRACE reigns through righteousness unto eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:21 How it Began: One man with a motorcycle, a bucket, hose and about three dollars of soap, heard a CALL from the Lord to reach out to Bikers for Jesus in Sturgis, SD. Only by God's Amazing Grace could this CALL have turned into a mission with worldwide impact. Many Volunteers now are joining in to share the love Jesus has for ALL mankind. ”My ways are not your ways says the Lord.” Isaiah 55:8 After listening to a sermon on “Servant Evangelism” www.servantevangelism.com by Pastor Steve Sjogren (A Conspiracy of Kindness) in 1995, One man was prompted by the Holy Spirit to go to Sturgis during the annual Biker Rally to wash motorcycles for FREE as a way to demonstrate to bikers the love God has for ALL men. The Bike Wash Today: Volunteers from all over the United States now join in this mission and purpose: to DEMONSTRATE God's love in a way another biker might understand. No strings attached. To come on this missions trip each team memeber needs to raise $500 to volunteer at the bike wash by partnering with their friends and family for this mission trip. Other Christian bikers also help out and pitch in and are blessed while they are in Sturgis. Many are there for other ministry opportunities and members of other ministries. In 2005, over 50 volunteers ministered to over 1,000 people from 12 different countries and nearly every state in the U.S. They washed approximately 850-1,000 motorcycles and gave away over 1,000 brats and hot dogs, 200 gallons of lemonade, 30 gallons of coffee, and over 1,000 biker Bibles – all without accepting donations from those to which they ministered to. Praise God!


Location: Cottage Grove, MN
Zipcode: 55016
Country: US


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Michael Bushilla

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Toria Newman
07/17/09 08:20:27PM @toria-newman:
Hello there

Ken Rich
07/18/09 12:14:52AM @ken-rich:
Hi Michael, Nice to meet you - welcome to the network. That's an interesting Ministry you are doing. It's the first time I have heard of such a thing. God bless your efforts!

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