

Michael's vision is to go around the world singing songs of Praise and Worship to believers as well as non believers. Breaking yokes,Crushing Burdens and Setting the captives free. While lifting up the name of Jesus through psalm ministry. Michael's goal is to get signed to a major label that shares his vision. Michael is currently seeking to sign album deal. During this time Michael's mission will be to bring millions of people to Christ for Redemption, Repentance and Salvation. Michael's long term goal is to start a production company that would enable him to sign, produce and develop up and coming minstrels who are looking for an opportunity to unitize their talents to elevate God's kingdom.



Location: Orlando, Fl
Country: US


youtubes: 2
Songs: 2


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@Karen Showell, 11/15/14 08:26:57PM
My Name is Karen Showell. I wanted to stop by your page to see if me can become friends.
I would be honored you become your friend. I thank you and Please know that I will be praying for you and your family.

Always remember that you are a special gift to Jesus!

God bless you
karen Showell