Obie and Brenda Phelps


I AM 58 YEARS OLD, MARRIED TO A WONDERFUL Christian God Fearing Man, who is also a minster, i minster where ever i am called, teach home Bible studies. married 40 years this comeing the out doors, love being with my children and grandbabies, for pass time love to oil paint !!! I also love to draw .


Location: Magnolia,Ms.
Country: US


Blogs: 3
images: 20
youtubes: 4

Flying Above The Storm

By Obie and Brenda Phelps, 2009-07-30
Did you know that an Eagle knows when a storm is approaching long before it breaks? The Eagle will Fly to some high clift and wait for the strong winds to come. When the storm hits it sets its wings so that the wind will pick it up and lift it high above the storm. While the storm rages below, the Eagle is soaring high above it with ease. The Eagle does not escape the storm, it just simply uses the storm to lift it higer, It rises on the winds that bring the storm to its life. When the storms of life come upon us-- and all of us will experience them-- some time or other in our life. We can rise above them by setting our minds and faith toward God !!! The storms do not have to overcome us. We can allow God to lift us above them. God enables us to ride the winds of the storm that bring, sickness, pain, tragedy, failure,and disappointments in our lives and make something good come from it. ( yes my friend we can ride above the storm !)Remember it is not the burdens of life which weigh...
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( The Day that America cried ) 9-11

By Obie and Brenda Phelps, 2009-09-11
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'' Self-will is the root of all sin and misery,'' wrote Susanna Wesley, who from their babyhood put her children into a regular routine. To insure a calm,quite household,she taught them to cry softly, children ate what they were given at meals, were allowed nothing between,and went to bed at night at eight except in cause of sickness, when they were expected to take medicine with out complaint. Here are some of Susanna,s other rules for child training. Though two hundred years old, many of them could serve as a guide for modern Christian Mothers today !
1. To prevent lying, do not punish a child who confesses his fault and promises to amend.
2.No sinful act should pass un punished.
3.No child should be punished twice for the same fault,and he should not be upbraided with it afterwards.
4.Obedience should be commended and rewarded.
5.Any effort to please, even if badley performed , should be commended.
6.Allow no one to take property from the owner, though it...
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