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Palmyre Seraphin - You better know what time it is - Official Music Video

Category: Music
Duration: 00:04:16
Duration: 00:04:16
Directed and edited by Ray Oster with Devine Jamz Gospel Network, the music video "You better know what time it is" is based on a true story written, recorded and performed by Palmyre Seraphin. Like many people, Palmyre had to experience what it means to be broken. She put all her faith into her self and none into Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, there are many Christians living their life like Palmyre once did. We owe it to God to make a change! We cannot call ourselves a Christian and not look towards heaven on a regular basis. Today, Palmyre is a living witness and uses her song “You better know what time it is” and the story behind the music as a tool to help more people get saved! View Palmyre Seraphin full story at Devine Jamz Gospel Network https://bit.ly/2OgwvZe
#Music #MusicVideos #MusicChannel #YouTube #Edgoodale #Edgoodalemusic #MusicVideos #DailyMusicVideo #LatestMusic #RockMusic #BrandMusic #MusciChannels #MusicVlogs #DailyMusicChannel #DailyMusicPlaylist #Youtube #PalmyreSeraphin #BestGospel #BestPopSong #BestFemaleSinger #BestGospelSinger #BestWorshipSong #BestPraiseSong
Contact: palmyreseraphin@yahoo.com
Facebook - “https://www.facebook.com/Palmyre-Seraphin-357088965849/”
Website - “http://www.palmyreseraphin.com/”
Download Single at CDBaby:
Visit Palmyre website: https://bit.ly/2oGpftR
Visit Devine Jamz Label: http://devinejamz.com
View on-screen credits at the end of the video
#Music #MusicVideos #MusicChannel #YouTube #Edgoodale #Edgoodalemusic #MusicVideos #DailyMusicVideo #LatestMusic #RockMusic #BrandMusic #MusciChannels #MusicVlogs #DailyMusicChannel #DailyMusicPlaylist #Youtube #PalmyreSeraphin #BestGospel #BestPopSong #BestFemaleSinger #BestGospelSinger #BestWorshipSong #BestPraiseSong
Contact: palmyreseraphin@yahoo.com
Facebook - “https://www.facebook.com/Palmyre-Seraphin-357088965849/”
Website - “http://www.palmyreseraphin.com/”
Download Single at CDBaby:
Visit Palmyre website: https://bit.ly/2oGpftR
Visit Devine Jamz Label: http://devinejamz.com
View on-screen credits at the end of the video