I was called to be a pastor at the age of 16, but I refused to become one on the bases of my thought of not being a good pastor. Over the years of mistakes and many bad choices, led me to die on Easter Sunday of 2001. It was then I answered the calling of being a pastor.
Location: Willmar MN
Country: US
Country: US
Blogs: 22
images: 23
Songs: 2
The Voice of God
I always thought the voice of God was like thunder, something grand, majestic. Sometimes He just whispers to us and if we are not paying attention, we will miss it. I can hear the voice of God through a little child who has a heavenly voice while singing, or a deaf girl who can stun an audience by playing so beautifully with her violin that makes me cry when she gets a standing ovation knowing how and what she had to go through to defeat all odds to play that violin. I can hear the voice of God talking to a friend who can make me smile and make me feel good about myself when I'm down. I can hear the echo of His voice in everything that surrounds me. He's speaking to us each day. We just have to take time to listen. Amen?
Shalom Pastor Dan, thank you very much for choosing Indie Gospel, please don't forget to use our Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs to learn more about our services - http://indiegospel.org/faq#.UJ6j_G-l7hc , blessings,
Yours in Christ,
Indie Gospel
Shalom Pastor Dan, thank you very much for choosing Indie Gospel, please don't forget to use our Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs to learn more about our services - http://indiegospel.org/faq#.UJ6j_G-l7hc , blessings,
Yours in Christ,
Indie Gospel