Pastor Dan


I was called to be a pastor at the age of 16, but I refused to become one on the bases of my thought of not being a good pastor. Over the years of mistakes and many bad choices, led me to die on Easter Sunday of 2001. It was then I answered the calling of being a pastor.


Location: Willmar MN
Country: US


Blogs: 22
images: 23
Songs: 2

End Of The World

user image 2010-07-06
By: Pastor Dan
Posted in:
End Of The World As We Know It

Matthew 25:13

A lot of you, I am sure, are aware of the fact that there has been an

upsurge in the news concerning the 2012 and the prediction of the end

of the world. This week I believe that God wants me to preach about


There is popular movie out right now that depicts the events of the end

of the earth with truly outstanding graphical effects. Of course they

depict it as though it is not really the end, but a series of

tremendous natural disasters that encompass all of the things that

scientists have been saying about global warming, earthquakes and other

things. In the end, man is able to save himself from annihilation and

is able to begin again to build a better world. It's man saving himself

as usual and God has nothing to do with it in the movie. But how much

of what we are hearing can we believe? Is 2012 a date that we should be

preparing ourselves for?

First let's establish what the real hoopla of 2012 is all about.

According to an ancient civilization of Mayans, a tribe of

superstitious people who lived in what is now called the southern part

of Mexico about 1000 years ago, we are nearing the end of the world as

we know it. The Mayans are famous because they managed to create a

written language and accomplish some pretty amazing engineering marvels

long before any other people in the western hemisphere. Of course, all

of these skills had been accomplished thousands of years before in

Israel, Egypt and most of the Eastern Hemisphere.

The interest in the Mayan calendar, and the fact that so many people

are concerned over what the Mayans had to say, is baffling when you

consider that the prophecies of the Word of God existed in Hebrew and

Greek scrolls many centuries before the Mayan Calendar, or the Mayan

civilization reached its potential. Yet man would rather believe

something that man has figured out, rather than to believe in the Word

of God.

According to the Mayan Calendar, which is confusing, contradictory, and

requires many hours of study to interpret; the sun, moon and planets

will all come into perfect alignment of some sort and will trigger some

ethereal cosmic energy that will mark the dawning of a new day for


I'm here to tell you that every day is a new day for mankind; and the

power and energy that brings the day forward is the awesome power of

God and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I don't need some ancient

Mayan Priest to cut the head off a chicken, or throw a set of bones, or

stare at the sun for hours to tell me that. All I have to do is read

the Bible.

In the beginning God created the earth, brought forth the sun and moon,

created day and night, and started the cycle of seasons, months and

years that has continued to this day.

After creating all things, God said in Genesis 8:22, "While the earth

remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and

winter, and day and night shall not cease." So it isn't some great

mystery to know that, should the earth remain, tomorrow the sun will

rise again.

But the Mayans had never read the Bible and so they had to rely only on

what they could see of the natural world around them to try to

interpret the future. Since they were very much into early forms of

astrology and astronomy, they began to develop a whole system of life

and of worship based on the positions of the stars and planets at given

times of the year. That's how they established their calendar for

planting, harvesting and daily life.

They noticed things like eclipses and how the moon and star alignments

would change with the passing of the night all during their year. Some

of them sat gazing for months on end and they began to see slight

changes in the positions of the stars of the night over a long period

of time. And so they used this new found knowledge to establish their


Now we all know that God set the stars in the sky and with the passing

of the months and the changes in the seasons, the positions of the

constellations change. As each pattern of stars moves across the sky,

God has laid them out in specific patterns that show the story of the

coming of the Messiah and of the Kingdom of God.

Psalms 19:1-4, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament

sheweth his handy work. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto

night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their

voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and

their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle

for the sun,"

The important thing to note here is that there is some truth about the

alignment of the stars and their ability to tell of some future events.

However, they do contradict the Word of God, but are place in support

of what God has to say. After all, God put them there for a purpose,

not only to give us light in the darkness, and make the night sky

beautiful to look upon, but to enlightened the heart of men who would

take the time to learn what they had to say.

The problem is that astrology and occultism have changed the message to

be something that it was never intended to be. We are not to base our

lives on the alignment of the planets and stars. We are to base our

lives on the Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ alone. The power

that controls my life, and yours, is not found in the stars, but in the

hand of God.

The Mayans somehow figured out long mathematical calculations and then

formed predictions based on how the stars would be aligned on certain

dates far into the future; even beyond the very existence of their own


My question is that if the Mayans were so smart and knew how to predict

the future, why didn't they figure out that they would become extinct

and then try to stop it from happening? They eventually were destroyed

by the Spanish, either through wars or through the new diseases that

the Spanish brought, that wiped out entire villages.

The Mayan Calendar was discovered among the ruins of their civilization

and many people have dedicated their whole life into learning what it

had to say. One of their great discoveries was that the entire calendar

was created to be an ancient clock, counting down the days until it

reached a zero hour when all the planets would be in perfect position

to cause the end of the world and the beginning of a new one.

The date and time that the Mayan Calendar comes to an end is very

precise. It marks the end of the world as Friday, December 21, 2012 at

11:11:11 AM (Coordinated Universal Time, which is the time established

universally according to the Atomic Clock at Fort Collins, Colorado)

If that's true, then we have less than three years to go till the end

of the world, so you better start planning to see a big change in the

way things are. Time is ticking away and we will reach zero hour before

you know it.

The whole world is watching and wondering if this could really be the

day. Did the Mayans know something that we don't know? Could they have

been intelligent enough to figure out God's timetable? Could they be

right? The answer of course is that they could be right.

The world could end on December 21, 2012; at least for some of us. But

if it does it will be purely coincidental because I don't believe that

they were smart enough to figure God out; and according the Bible their

timetable is all wrong.

As Jesus sat upon the Mount of Olives one day, teaching the crowd that

gathered to hear him, the disciples came to him and wanted to know what

the signs of the end would be.

Jesus gave them the signs but then said this in Matthew 24:36, "But of

that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my

Father only."

Matthew 25:13, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the

hour wherein the Son of man cometh."

From the words of Jesus it is clear that no man can predict the end of

the world; not even those wonderful Mayans. God is no respecter of

persons and he won't tell any man anything that he would hold in secret

for another. So I believe that we can disregard anything that some

ancient Mayan Calendar has to say about the end of the world. We need

to hear what the Word of God says instead.

The important thing to remember is that the end of the world as we know

it is coming, and for many of us the end of our days on this planet may

come long before the end of the world itself. Every day there are

thousands of people around the world whose world comes to an end. Their

days are ended and they will leave this world to face their eternal


We should not concern ourselves with any date that man may set for the

end of the world, for any date that we set; however we set it, is

against the Word of God. We don't need to worry about dates. We need to

be concerned with getting our hearts right with God and being ready all

the time; so that when the end comes for each of us, we will be ready

to meet the Lord.

Secondly, let me give you a brief rundown on what the timetable for the

end of the world is really like. Its all given to us in God's Word.

The next thing on the agenda of God's prophetic calendar concerning the

end of the world is something that we call "The Rapture of the Church."

The Bible doesn't say it's a "rapture." That word never appears. But

what the Bible does say is that there will be a great "catching away."

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord himself shall descend from

heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the

trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which

are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the

clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the


On that day, this world will come to an end for every Born Again,

washed in the Blood of Jesus, Child of God that has made themselves

ready for the coming of the Lord. That day could be today, tomorrow or

any day now. That's what we need to be watching for; the Rapture of the

Church and the Sound of the Trumpet as we are caught away to leave this

old sinful world behind. I don't know when that day or hour shall be,

but it could very well happen long before December 21, 2012. It could

happen on the very moment that the Mayans said, but if it does it will

be a one in a billion chance.

What about the real end of the world; when will that come? Again I say

that we cannot set a date, but we can see the signs of the end

happening all around us every day. God's Word concerning the signs of

these last days reads like our daily newspaper.

Matthew 24:32-33, "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch

is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is

near, even at the doors."

Just as we can walk outside early in the spring and see that the trees

have put on new leaves; and pollen fills the air, we know that spring

has come and that summer is just around the corner on our calendars; we

can also examine the daily news and know that the coming of the Lord is

upon us. Only someone who is blind; or refuses to see the truth; could

possibly be caught unaware. If you are watching for His coming; waiting

for His coming and ready for Jesus’ coming, then there's no

way that you are going to miss it.

The very first step in God's prophetic clock toward the end of time has

already taken place. That was the date in 1948 when Israel became a

nation once again after nearly 2000 years of being dispersed among the

Gentile nations.

The next tic of God's time clock will be the rapture of the church.

After that there will be a short period of time, perhaps a few days, or

a few months, just how long we don't know for sure; before the

Antichrist rises to power. From the time that he comes to power you can

set your clock because within the next 7 years it all comes crashing

down and the earth, as it is today is changed.

Jesus will come again, with the saints dressed in white and will

establish his 1000 year reign of peace on earth. The earth will be the

same except that peace and justice will prevail and the power of Satan

will be stopped for 1000 years.

At the end of that 1000 years, or the Mellennial Reign of Christ, then

comes the end when Satan will be loosed one last time to rally every

man on earth, who has not accepted Jesus as Lord, to fight against God

and his people. On that day, the world will truly come to an end and

God will create a new heaven and a new earth which will last forever.

So you see, this old world is going to be around for many years

according the Word of God. The Mayan Calendar prediction of 2012 is

nothing more than the foolishness of man trying to figure out God. We

have nothing to fear from 2012; no more than from any other year.

Should we prepare ourselves for 2012? Yes, but no more than we should

prepare ourselves at any other time. If you truly want to make Heaven

your home, you must make those preparations now and be ready all the

time. Jesus may come on any day, 2010. Are you ready to meet him should

He come today?

Never rely on anyone who sets a date for God's prophetic end of the

world to come. No man knows; and no man ever will. But we do know that

that day is coming soon. Make yourself ready; stay ready, then when

Jesus comes again you will begin your first day in a whole new world.

That's what really matters.

Do you know Jesus today? Do you know him as your Lord and Savior? Have

you been born again by the Spirit of God and had your sins washed away

by the Blood of Jesus? You can do that right now if you haven't, and

then you won't have to worry about 2012 or any other date. You can be

ready for the Second Coming of Jesus and the end of the world all of

the time.
Robert T Sells
07/09/10 12:37:02AM @robert-t-sells:
This is a powerful word! Amen!
James E. Stotts
07/09/10 12:43:20AM @james-e-stotts:
Thank you for sharing- I plan to print and study. Gob bless you.jim


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