
Hello and welcome to my site. I hope it blesses you some how. I do blog a lot so you might want to keep an eye out for that. I am a Pastor, Evangelist, and prophetess. I am starting at a new church as I have just moved to another town. I am 47 years young, mom of growns sons, i have three grand childeren. Cameron, Allisa and Marcus.
People some times will say if they could they would re marry their spouse. On June 7th of this year, I will be blessed to re marry the love of my life, Joseph. We were appart for eight long years. God brought us back together again.
Hello and welcome to Our site. Joe Is the Love of my life. We have a awesome testimony to Gods restoring power. I use to be known as site4susan. If you know me under that nick, feel free to add me as a friend. We are here to make friends and share our testimony. It is never to late for God to move in your life. Dreams you thought were dead and gone, He can and will resurrect. Joe and I where apart for eight years. We both lived in different city's. AS of June 7th 2008, we were remarried. I prayed and fasted for the first three years of our separation. ( We were apart for eight years). Joe filed for divorce in 2001. He always loved me and I had always loved him. Both of us where deeply hurt from our past and at the time we could not communicate. God has healed us both and He brought us back together! I have two sons, Ryan, my oldest, and Aaron my youngest. Joe has a son Joey and a daughter, Rita. We are very blessed. God has really blessed us even tho we have been threw some hard times in the past... but that IS the past!!:)I am a chat site owner, but is is a web church on line.Its not like any site you have ever been too. I have yet to go in to a site any thing like this one. I love life, and I am always on the go it seems. Life is good. Seen the good times and seen the bad... I wouldnt change a thing or I wouldnt be who I am today.
I have many on line friends that I just wouldnt want to go a day with out talking with them. I have meet some of the most awesome people on line from around the world and I am ever greatful Jesus is the Love of My life. I am very much in Love with Him..
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