Pastor M.Shalem Jyothi.


Dear beloved saints in Christ, Greetings in the Holy name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am happy to share with you a few words about our independent mission work of “The Christ Crucified Evangel Ministries” (I Cor : 1: 23) from India. My name is Pastor. M.Shalem Jyothi, founder & president of the Christ Crucified Evangel Ministries from East Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh, India. Preamble of Ministry : TCCEM is a non-profitable ministry, registered with the Andhra Pradesh Govt (Reg'd No : 497 / 2009). This ministry has been dedicating it's unblemishable services to the disciples of the Gospel in the area of the East Godavari District. This ministry has been manning twenty-five churches. The ministry's main intention and preamble is to raise new believers from different communities and bring them to the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ. Socio – Economic Status: Poverty is the main key factor in deciding the social status of this project area - people who are predominently recruited as land labourers, wood cutters, house maids and illiterates due to their educational status , and who cannot bargain for a better deal. Cultivation is the main occupation and hence incidence of crop failuries due to natural calamities are commonly experienced. Thus the assured income from this employment is very meagre and they turn as bounded labourers, and the social evil ‘poverty’ prevails in their families. So please pray for this down-trodden people in this mission. Salient Features of the Ministry: We proclaim Jesus Christ as Redeemer of all mankind and our main goal is to proclaim the Word of God to the unreached areas. We affirmly believe in giving alms and caring for the poor pastors, widows and orphans in our churches and in the society. Our Needs : 1. Support for poor pastors, widows and to give alms to orphans of our church. 2. Bicycles for poor pastors in our ministry. 3. Church constructions. 4. Vehicle for Gospel outreach campaigns. We have no sponsors and supporters from anywhere for our mission work. We are doing the Ministry of God with faith. We are aware of the fact that our God is our real source. We believe that He knows our needs and He will definitely hear our prayers and help us in whatever we need - but you are a channel to His source to help our church pastors, widows and orphans in our ministry and He has shown you our work through this way. We always are giving thanks to God for this, and keeping us strong in His precious work. If there is any way possible to you, your friends and your churches, to help, and you have a heart for Jesus then please try to encourage our ministry of God as the Lord God leads you. Another way that you could consider is to arrange sponsors for our independent ministry ‘The Christ Crucified Evangel Ministries’ in India. At any rate, you are always welcome to encourage our church works with the Word of God and donations. I believe that God will give strength to you, and He will encourage our churches and needs in our ministry. We would like to have a long term relationship with you, your family & friends. Please convey my hearty greetings to your loving family, churches, friends & relatives in Christ. Thank you so much for spending time to read our letter with patience. You are always in our prayers. With much prayers and love, I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Prov : 25 : 25. Yours in His Service, Pastor. M. Shalem Jyothi. Founder & President. The Christ Crucified Evangel Ministries. Door No : 2-2/2. Komanapalli Post. Mummidivaram Mandal. East Godavari District – 533216. Andhra Pradesh, India. E.Mail :



Location: Mummidivaram, Andhra Pradesh
Country: IN


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Toria Newman
11/25/09 04:20:59AM @toria-newman:

Ken Rich
11/25/09 11:02:20AM @ken-rich:
Hi, Welcome to the network - it's nice to meet you. We have a group here called Adoption from the Heart which supports an orphanage in India. We also have a few more members and Pastors from India, perhaps you will find some felowship here. Stay Blessed

Indie Gospel Artists


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