Pastor Zulfiqar


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ ; Greeting to you and all the members of you ministry in the preciouse name of Lord Jesus ; we have visited your web site that you are doing the work for the development of the churches all over the world ; your ministries are doing woundrfull work of Lord Jesus world wide ; and the thristy people of living water are drinking water from the eternel streem ; we are very much impressed to visite your web site ; my name is Pastor Zulfiqar from pakistan ; city faisalabad; married person ; and God blessed me five childerns; i am serving the Lord Jesuse valenteerly since ten years ago in pakistan ; God have choosen me to be a wittness and preach the word of God ; i have saved by the grace of Almighty God ; i have medicated the word of God very deeply ; but all our experience have nothing before the wisdom of Lord ; we have little knowledge than the disciples of the Jesus ; all the storm like universal destiney ; pain ; desies ; and so many crices came to the world brings harme the human being ; in all situation i believe the Lord Jesus always with us and release us ; the verse most important for me ; JESUS IS WITH US IN LIFE S' STORMS ; read MARK;4;35-41 ; the name of our ministry is GLORIOUS CHURCH MINISTRY IN PAKISTAN ; i would like to share the word of God togather with you ; in this way we can work togather for the glory of God ;my main object to spread the Gospel rural as will as in urban areais ; in this regard your personal copration and prayer is very necessery to do the better work of God ; i request to everyone pray to God for the development of our ministry and the holy spirit of Lord Jesus Christ help and guide us to spread the word of God out reach areais ; i hop that anyone might be contact me in this mission so that lost spirits may be saved and turnd back towards God ; may the grace of Lord Jesus be with everyone forever ; Pastor Zulfiqar From Pakistan ;



Location: Faisalabad
Country: PK


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