Redeemed Punk


Redeemed Punk was founded by Wayne Lewis who spent 26 years in the military as an RP (Marines and Sailors can explain). After playing secular "Trailer Park Punk" for a number of years it was realized that God could be glorified with retro Punk sounds.



Pages: 1
youtubes: 1
Songs: 4

Culottes at Church Camp

album: Musings of a Black Robe
genre: Christian Rock
streams: 1

Packed my bags every June Church Camp would be starting soon

Always fun but something was strange

'twas a great time of fellowship, I thought I was the King of hip

And girls had pants but by a different name

I still don't know what a culotte is they look like pants to me

I guess girls' softball at a holiness camp needs a technicality

Culottes at Church Camp, Culottes at Church Camp

Culottes at Church Camp, Culottes at Church Camp

I asked my mom when I got home, what the heck was going on

She said it was for modes-ty

I had no clue what she meant, I scratched my head in disbelief

Went to my room confused

Since God works in mysterious ways I guess he changed pants to skirts

But adolescent kids can see right through, legalistic works

Culottes at Church Camp, Culottes at Church Camp

Culottes at Church Camp,, Culottes at Church Camp

I still don't know what a culotte is, they look like pants to me

And adolescent kids can see right through legalistic works

Culottes at Church Camp.........

Culottes at Church Camp


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