Rev John MulQueen


Greetings, I am a Biker Evangelist That Travels The Highways & Byways to Bring the Word Of God To The Least, Last & Lost Everywhere, Be Blessed In All You Do...


Location: Manchester Township, NJ
Zipcode: 08759
Country: US


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"What Is Fellowship"

user image 2009-12-31
By: Rev John MulQueen
Posted in:
And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything
they had.
--Acts 2:44 (NLT)

"Fellowship" is a great word that Christians often use. But do we know
what fellowship originally meant in the early church? The word
"fellowship" used in Acts 2 is the Greek word koinonia. It is a
difficult word to translate into English because of its many shades of
meaning. It can be translated "fellowship," "communion," "community,"
"communal," and "friendship." The word encompasses so much that
believers do together.

But fellowship is more than socializing. Anyone can socialize. The
idea of fellowship is that we come together to commune with God and
commune together. It is when we get together and talk about the things
of God. And God loves it when we talk about Him with each other.
Malachi 3:16 says, "Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each
other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a
scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who
feared him and always thought about the honor of his name." The word
"listened" could be translated, "to prick the ear, to bend down." When
we speak of the things of God, He bends down to listen.

Fellowship is praying together, serving together, giving, and yes,
even growing older together, dying, and going to heaven. It is what we
do together as the family of God.

And fellowship with God and fellowship with others go together. When
you are walking with God, then you will want to be with God's people.
And if you don't want to be with God's people, then maybe you are not
walking with God as you ought to. Because I have found that the closer
I am to God, the more I want to be around godly people, and the more I
want to influence others to live godly lives.
May God Bless In 2010
Your Friend In Christ, Chaplain Jack
Jean Winter
12/31/09 05:54:28PM @jean-winter:
Well written John, another great post. God Bless Jean
Ken Rich
12/31/09 06:22:53PM @ken-rich:
Nice one Jack. I find too, now that the Internet is so common, and social networking has become popular, there are new ways, and opportunities, for fellowship. I think a physical gathering is preferable, even highly desirable, but perhaps not absolutely necessary - for meaningful fellowship. I have treasured friendships, and am often touched, edified, and supported spiritually, by my Internet family, whereas opportunities for Spiritual communion with family and friends in my local area (physical location) are limited. The old adage, "birds of a feather, flock together" seems to be born out more than ever, as people use the Internet to gravitate toward this theme or that, depending on their interests. This can be good or bad, but for those seeking to find Godly people and pursuits, it is surely a good thing. Even "shut-ins", and those who live in remote areas, can find a community of believers to fellowship with.


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