Born Again 1969...Songwriter since 1972. I sing and play guitar, plus occasionally tickle the keys of my keyboard. Whatever, I need to do to finish up each recorded song.
youtubes: 18
Songs: 11
PSALM 148 © 2015

Category: People & Blogs
Duration: 00:03:34
Duration: 00:03:34
PSALM 148 © 2015 (my composition song). Not everyone likes King James English but, KJV just fit the melody better than any other words would. There are still many more songs to record. Genres of vintage Rock & Pop, the majority are mostly Christian with some secular. There are more than thirty song compositions yet to be recorded. Follow my progress @ my Facebook page of Ricky D Broniste and perhaps LIKE the page, too. YouTube is my visual resource. Enjoy, Subscribe and become a Fan.