Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A


Note : Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !? as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !? living in INDIA,, , !!!?? while UN ,USA,EU people seen the Indian police ,Indian army work in Orissa christen genocide ,they Indian Hindu did 100% support to killer ,rioter , Genocider ,gang rapper with Nuns of christens , and Indian police ,Indian army work in Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide!!? Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time (these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! ) , then Karnataka chief Minster =Y Rao=Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again re-elected chief minister by Hindus !! =under rule of,, !!? This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ?? 12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!??



Location: Udaipur RAJ INDIA 313001
Country: IN
