S. Watkins


I've been singing since I was three. I attend different Churches, where God sends me to Minister, in song I try to go. there.I have sung in Choirs, Quartet singing solos,Trios. I live in Winder Ga. Love singing/Songwriting, working on playing the keyboard,I can play a Little. In High School I was in Chorus Classes.


Location: Winder, GA
Zipcode: 30680
Country: US


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11 years ago - Comments: 0


Ken Rich
03/11/13 04:07:22PM @ken-rich:

Welcome to the network...

Indie Gospel Artists

Zack Martin
03/11/13 04:20:21PM @zack-martin:

Welcome to Indie Gospel Artist, Sondra! Please explore all areas of Indie and use all the resources to further your ministry for the Lord.


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