I am a gospel/praise and worship singer /songwriter looking to serve the body of Christ through sharing my music. Thanks for the opportunity to share my songs with Indiegospel .In these troubled times ,music is especially important now to minister to those who are isolated,alone and maybe afraid and confused.My hope is that each listener to this site will find a song among these artists that will touch them in a profound way. To God be all the glory!!
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What is the Name
genre: gospel music praise and worship
streams: 0
audio file: mp3, 4.5MB, 00:03:57
What is the name that is above every other
Jesus Jesus
What is the name that makes the demons run for cover
Jesus Jesus
What is the name by which all men must be saved
Jesus Jesus
What is the name who destroyed the power of the grave
Jesus Jesus
Give Him praise for He is worthy to be worshiped and adored
Every knee shall bow before Him
Every tongue shall confess that He alone is Lord
What is the name who called us out of darkness into light
Jesus Jesus
What is the name who came that we may have abundant life
Jesus Jesus
What is the name who pleads for us before the Father's throne
Jesus Jesus
What is the name who promises we'll never walk alone
Jesus Jesus
In His name there is power
To lift your spirits in your darkest hour
In His name there is salvation
Now and forever the only name we'll be praisin'
Jesus Jesus