Sherry Little


I am first a Christian, wife of 49 years, 3 children, 10 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren. I am a writer/poet and song lyrics.


Location: Riverside, CA
Zipcode: 92509
Country: US


Blogs: 2
images: 1

The Journey

By Sherry Little, 2011-07-06

For we walk upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me. In Luke 10:19 Jesus, gives us the authority to walk upon this earth for nothing to hurt us.

Hanging onto Jesus and what is in your heart the mouth speaks. Even when there is bumps in the road and speaking the scriptures out loud and singing him a new song and this is what is going to get you up and over the bumps, and through the storms of life.

He will never leave you or forsake you; Hebrews 13:5  With all of this in your heart and suddenly you are in a storm and you need to take cover and suddenly what flows out of your mouth is singing praises to His holy name and when it is over hang onto him because our God is a mighty God and there is nothing to fear! Hang on and draw yourself closer to him.

Jesus called his twelve disciples and gave the authority to drive out the evil spirits and to heal every disease and sickness Mathew 10:1


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Dedicated to my sister, Sandy

By Sherry Little, 2012-03-18



The moments we shared together as children, and in our adult life. We spent many precious moments together, laughing, crafting, walking in the woods, strolling on the beach, picnics, camping, art festivals.  You name it we did it together. 


Last year, most of us came to your side and prayed with you, laughed with you and broke bread together.  The time was priceless.  Your battle is over and now you are with our Lord Jesus Christ! Dancing on the streets paved with gold in His loving arms!


Until that day comes I will...

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