Cindy Tilkens-Jennings


GOD Said:  BEGIN AGAIN  That is why I am here.  To start again after years that brought me through Widowhood, A car accident that took years to recover from physically, but was a gift in this... I coded in the Knoxville Trauma Care Unit and came into the Presence of God's Holiness. After surgeries, and left with a de-gloved rt arm with bone overgrowth.  That means it will not straighten or bend more than 20 degrees and remains in a bent position, I am a richer person.  I broke my neck, back, replaced my rt cheek, fractured my skull to the point my rt ear canal closed permanently.  Two years later a brilliant surgeon in Oregon opened it and gave me back my hearing.  I have been through one storm after another for years.  Now I am about to embark on a biblical divorce I never wanted.  And I stand alone, physically.  But God is here.  And He said: Begin Again.  What I mess I seem to be, yet in my weakness, I was never stronger.  Christ is the vine, and I am a branch.  He feeds me the strength for each day.  I am preparing to go out, to sing, to tell my story, to encourage those who will listen in the Faith.  I am a servant of the Most High God.  He loves us with an incomprehensible Love.  And in Him, I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.  I look forward to the good things He has coming.  For Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord. They are plans for Good and not for evil to give you a Future and a Hope." My Hope is IN HIM.  All things are possible through Him.  Zephaniah 3:19-20  And I will deal severely with all who have oppressed you.  I will save the weak and helpless ones; I will bring together thoses who were chased away.  I will give glory and fame to my former exiles, wherever they have been mocked and shamed.  On that day I will gather you together and bring you home again.  I will give you a good name, a name of distinction, among all the nations of the earth, as I restore your fortunes before their very eyes.  I, the Lord, have spoken! Let me tell you that my heart and my will is to Glorify God, To point others back to Him, to tell my story that others might begin to trust in Him and believe in this incomprehensible Love of God.  It is a love our minds cannot even begin to fathom.  I am a sinner, saved by His Grace.  This Grace will help me to overcome my disabilities and Begin Again.  God wants each of us to Listen to the Holy Spirit and Obey Him.  Each of us has a gift.  Each of us has an assignment.  When we use our gift as God directs us to, when we obey God and begin to do the current assignment, God gets the Glory and people will run to Him.  And that pleases Him, because as I said, His Heart is: He would that none should perish.  We are His messengers.  People are lost and in misery. So many feel hopeless or are in rebellion.  Who will God use, if not us?


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She's Never Been Without Him

By Cindy Tilkens-Jennings



She's Never Been Without Him.

She's Seen Him Through The Thick And Thin

She's Seen Him Sick And She's Seen Him Well..

And Started Life Again.  She's Spent Her Lifetime Loving Him.

She's Been His Strong Right Arm...

And Through The Good Times And The Bad...

She Has Kept Him With Her Charm.


Verse 1

The Vows She Made Her Wedding Day- She Meant With All Her Heart.

To Face The Future - Good Or Bad  She Knew They’d Never Part.

She Never Underestimates - The Power Of Her Love...

She Knows Its Grace Form God  That's Flowing to Her From Above.



She's Never Been Without Him

She's Seen Him Through The Thick And Thin.

She's Seen Him Sick And She's Seen Him Well...

And Started Life Again.  She Spent Her Lifetime Loving Him.

She's Been His Strong Right Arm. 

And Through The Good Times And The Bad

She Has Kept Him With Her Charm.


Verse 2

Its Only Been A Year Or So-  That He's Been FeelingIll.

But Like Before - She'll Give Him Strength

And Fill Him With Her Will...

 She Never Underestimates-  The Power Of Her Love...

She Knows Its Grace From God  That's Flowing To Her From Above.

She Knows Its Grace From God That's Flowing To Her From Above.


T. Roy Taylor
07/27/21 01:04:30PM @t-roy-taylor:

    Such a relatable song! There's so many circumstances, experiences, places and ways to experience       God. Watching an eagle fly through the sky, walking on the beach, driving down the highway or listening     to a song by Cindy Tilkens Jennings!

Wayne Sanelli
11/14/20 01:01:29AM @wayne-sanelli:

So we'll defined. Faith.. lovely voice and gifted person Cindy. 

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