Songs With A Message


I am Dj4Jesus and my desire is to share God's love and see people come to know him thru christian radio on the internet. I believe each of these Christian artists have had God lay a ministry on their hearts to share the same in song and I would like to do all I can to help promote them and their missions


Location: Portland, OR
Zipcode: 97266
Country: US



Jean Winter
12/08/09 04:19:45PM @jean-winter:
Welcome to Indie Gospel God Bless Jean
Ken Rich
12/08/09 11:25:18PM @ken-rich:
Cool, I was born in Klamath Falls, OR My father was stationed on the Airforce base there, and he played in a band at night, at a place"The Log Cabin". There are lot's of great songs here for you DJ stuff - we should talk.

Indie Gospel Artists


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