I've been a Christian musician for about 30 years. I live in Humboldt County California. I am in the Band Sound Doctrine Band which is a Christian outreach band.
AMEN NUCLEAR AGE.. from your sister, whos saved of atheism and all the lies of satan... trying to help the desperately poor through the web page created by Ken Rich, at WAAOM ( www.weallareoneministry.org ), a ministry for many who are all over the world, helping to feed, shelter, clothe, and giving clean water, and providing all the other essential needs that are vitall... you can see the page I am on called Glad Tidings Ministry... I go out at planned parenthood and on the other streets at times, standing against murder of the unborn, in the name of JESUS, even though I used to believe in this wicked and sick mess... if your ever interested, you and your band members, etc, can see this on my facebook page called "Voice of the Unborn of South Carolina" and JESUS CHRIST IS GOD, THE LIVING AND THE ETERNALLY FORGIVING AND HAS SAVED ME FROM HELL AND I WILL SEE YOU IN HEAVEN, BROTHER, IF I DON'T SEE YOU HERE...
Hallelujah! Satan is rebuked as this song magnifies Christ and soothes the weak in spirit
AMEN NUCLEAR AGE.. from your sister, whos saved of atheism and all the lies of satan... trying to help the desperately poor through the web page created by Ken Rich, at WAAOM ( www.weallareoneministry.org ), a ministry for many who are all over the world, helping to feed, shelter, clothe, and giving clean water, and providing all the other essential needs that are vitall... you can see the page I am on called Glad Tidings Ministry... I go out at planned parenthood and on the other streets at times, standing against murder of the unborn, in the name of JESUS, even though I used to believe in this wicked and sick mess... if your ever interested, you and your band members, etc, can see this on my facebook page called "Voice of the Unborn of South Carolina" and JESUS CHRIST IS GOD, THE LIVING AND THE ETERNALLY FORGIVING AND HAS SAVED ME FROM HELL AND I WILL SEE YOU IN HEAVEN, BROTHER, IF I DON'T SEE YOU HERE...