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NOTE: We are organizing a world conference www.tinfscare.ning.com/group/kampala and your participation is appreciated very much,we can get in touch and see how it can be done for you to share,participate,attend,support.
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DO YOU WANT TO CHAT WITH ME?! [ Copy this | Start New | Full Size ] I am a friend Of God!!! If this annoys you;Please don't get annoyed;....This God loves you too. What I CAN SAY ABOUT MY SELF GENERALLY I am a Ugandan Male.Christ is my Lord;I am saved and sober. I am single but not chasing.I love making friends of all ages,colors and life styles and I am very good at keeping friends.I love to love people;and to Love them as christ wants me.I Love My Lord;because he has made me what I am. I am an extrovert;very open minded.I share greatly,and I don’t mind. I am currently a student of Occupational therapy;and this will be my profession.I would like to help these suffering people.This caused me to start TINFS care for you health services;to share about health;and The Interdenominational network for the Saviour.These two are currently having some information on http://www.tinfscare.ning.com. I am very self motivated,because the true test in life does not occur when all is going well.The true test takes place when we are faced with challenges.I have been through a lot;and I cant stop moving on!We should always aspire to climb as high as we can dream no matter what!My life has not been easy to live; a lot of challenges but i am always to go on;especially because of the faith in God.I cannot at any on one time fall to serve This great God because of what i pass through.That is secondary to my life;because I know this world is not my home.Therefore whatever I encounter here should not obstruct me from reaching my destiny,Heaven my home! I love working hard;because I know that God gives every bird its food,but He does not throw it into its nest! ;I am more than able;for I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.This has been my motto ever since and i surely know I can do mighty exploits.Nothing will stop me;If Christ is by my side;because in him I am more than a winner!Nothing is impossible with him. YOU CAN ALSO GIVE IT ALL TO HIM,HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN DO EVERYTHING YOU CANNOT DO,HE IS THE ALPHA AND OMEGA,THE BEGINNING AND THE END.THERE IS NO OTHER SO STRONG AS HE IS! I am generous;I always share even the least I have with the needy;because be sure that there are more needy than I am here! I am a leader,heading many groups small and big.I usually call my self a youths' leader I am so interactive;I interact with everyone,young or old,rich or poor as long as i am given chance. I am an evangelist;a preacher of the good news of My Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I thank Him for Choosing me;I will stand always for him! FINANCIALLY I know some people may say why .....financially..... here....this...young man....! It is not easy to pass through this world with out finances;by the way....someone is trying to steal your money...did you see him..check in your head!!LOL!!! All we do;Ministry inclusive needs funding.I would want to be self supportive,even in all ministries I am planning.I was born on "Independence Day"!!! I am growing By the grace of God. I am a distributor in GNLD Check out How to get started with the best health care,Home care and personal care products! www.gnld.com To Join;go to get started in the left (down)corner and you fill the form Put me as your sponsor: Naturinda Innocent Stuart-ID 40/0405231 Up line Director names: ZAINABU A & ERIC J EBUK OPITO 40-400685 It is a life time God-given opportunity I also have a new business Idea.Want to know about it?Ask me. I am also starting to do on-line businesses including: 1) http://www.orangeleads.com?id=14764 2) http://www.trekpay.com/?ref=22157 3) www.me2everyone.com/320951 4) http://www.tripleclicks.com/10688058/go 5)http://www.promails.org/pages/index.php?refid=naturinost 6) http://bit.ly/oNYSY 7) http://www.trekpay.com/?ref=22157 8) http://www.prosperitymarketingsystem.com/go/?s=14202 9) http://www.myxtremeprofits.com/?id=naturinost 10) http://www.ganobrand.com/naturinost 11) http://117128.powerbarclub.com 12) www.joini5.com/naturinost 13) www.naturinost.datanetworkaffiliates.com 14) www.naturinost.tageverycar.com 15) http://gateway2hits.com/default.php?id=8949 16) www.joini5.com/naturinost/bar 17) http://followe.rs/47sh 18) http://qyao.com/signup.php?REF=62019 19)http://ViralURL.com/naturinost 20 ) http://www.myfreeadboard.com/classifieds/naturinost 21 )http://www.responsivehits4you.net/index.php?referid=naturinost 22)http://www.myfreeadboard.com/classifieds/naturinost/ 23)http://mydlb.com/index.php?referid=naturinost 24)http://allaboutaces.creditexchanges.com/index.php?referid=naturinost 25) http://www.6dgr.com/index.php?mode=join&ref_id=6203 26)http://www.ourgvmall.com/naturinost 27) http://www.joini5.com/39284LE 28) http://www.ganobrand.com/affiliates/id/14603_1 29) http://www.commissionriver.com/publisher_signup.html?crid=170564 30) http://www.SprintWealth.com/?id=16200 31) http://www.justbeenpaid.com/?r=naturinost&p=synsurf1v 32) http://www.14eagles.com/naturinost 33) http://www.VibrantLaunch.com/97391 34) Gazelle Cell Phone Recyclers Home Page 35) Lowest Domain Rates Home Page 36) RiverOffers page for Ticketnetwork 37) Wirefly Home Page, CPO program 38) http://www.easyhits4u.com/?ref=naturinost 39) http://www.paybox.me/r/naturinost 40) http://didi.vitamark.com 41) https://www.okpay.com/?rbp=960509265 SOCIALLY I like making friends and keeping them.I have be-friended people of different ages;and different social status.people from far and near.you just need to be near me and you see how God makes us friends! It is not because may be i am so attractive;But there is what God has made me.I really have a heart for the people;after all we are here for each other. This has left me very hard to understand;because many people don't love this way.-LOVING YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOUR SELF! I also try;because I know it is the ideal.It is what God wants.This explains why I live a life of sharing. I share anything;ranging from mere word encouragements to any materials I possess.It is always hard for me to Just go away when i know I could do more than just that.The glory goes back to God for those people I have ever helped and I know I am just starting! I won't stop to do that because it is what God created me. I Then wish to say;I thank God for those who have ever shared with me anything because they facilitated me to be all I am. Mean while I love fun!!!LOL!! I love doing things that make people laugh and I like laughing too.As long as the fun keeps me with my Lord! I also watch videos;but not a lot of foot ball.Actually I am not a fun of any F.C! Singing is my hobby;on that Piano. Please Note: 1)If you need to know about the people I am helping(actually Just trying in the way I can manage you can let me know.you may give a hand-They are many;Such that some of them I just Pray with them only.) 2)I Know there is what other people call me...and it is also true;as long as they have been with me! 3)Thanks for becoming a good friend;you can leave a comment to show me that you have read to the end and to tell me what you know about me.I will appreciate it!Any other comments are also welcome! God bless you so much.We are the ones!!! ABOUT MY MINISTRY I have been called to serve in an Interdenominational Network For the Savior(TINFS),of which I am the Founder. TINFS-CARE is a group of men and women of God who believe in the divine word of God and work to use the truth to change lives of people and to ‘make’ the world a better place. The word of God is all we need to live better lives and to change the world for the better. The message of the bible is timeless, personal to everyone and powerful ever because it comes from God, the Creator of all things! Millions have discovered that the bible speaks to their deepest needs and people from all over the world turn to God’s word daily for words of comfort, encouragement, hope, inspiration and guidance. There in the word, they find satisfying answers to life’s most perplexing questions and difficult problems. We do not just cater for the spiritual well being of man, but also for physical, psychosocial needs; for man is made up of Body soul and Spirit. In this respect, we intend to serve the world to make help individuals who lack, to develop meaning into their lives, by working with all of us. All of us matter! The Interdenominational Network For the Savior (TINFS) "Christian Networkers" is now a Non-Governmental Christian and Non profit Organization;with the objectives listed below; Vision: Creating better lives in a better world! Mission Statement: Generating meaning to people's lives through holistic support while preaching the Gospel of truth to everyone, and encouraging oneness in the body of Christ. Goal To develop communities of people who live holistic, purposed and meaningful lives on earth in a Godly way, and as one OBJECTIVES a) Emphasizing bible teachings about how one can enter the kingdom of God. b) Mobilize different professionals for collaboration approach to community development activities. c) To co-ordinate churches and all believers for united, biblical and realistic Christian life. d) To recruit and or train volunteers, cadres and other persons as careers, helpers and workers in the advancement of the cause of the organization, and for the welfare of vulnerable groups in particular. e) To mobilize resources from internal and external partners and general public for the purposes of uplifting the general living conditions of the vulnerable groups of society by establishment of health care services, poverty eradication programs and functional literacy. f) Promoting oneness in all people so that we all live in peace and harmony. g) To carry out trainings and awareness on children rights as well as encouraging children and youths to live responsible lives h) Work with medical professionals and volunteers to provide medical services to the needy. i) Empowering the underprivileged women, Youths, and disabled) to live the least dependent lives by creating development programs including vocational education. j) Provide relief and charitable services to vulnerable groups of people. k) To preach the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ in accordance with His command in Matthew 28: 19 – 20. This will be achieved through evangelistic meetings like Bible studies, church services, public crusades, house to house out reach, use of Radio Stations, national and International conferences, showing gospel films, Christian literature to every one, everywhere in the world. l) To establish programs and projects aimed at uplifting the standards of human life within the community including building schools, colleges, health centers and other related programs. m) To work together with all people without discrimination based on race, color, tribe, sex, language or profession as long as they love and believe in Christ as our lord and savior. n) To hold Christian concerts in the area of music, dance and drama as well as art, for ministering the gospel of the kingdom for the glory of God. o) To hold workshops and special meetings for special groups like the youth, women and men, professionals with the aim of encouraging and equipping them to live meaningful lives in all areas of life. p) To sensitize the youths and community as a whole about AIDS through AIDS awareness educational programs, workshops and provide counseling to those already infected with the disease / Aids. q) To receive and host National and International visitors / friends with a Divine welcome making them feel at home while visiting the ministry and touring them to places of interest of their own choices. r) To apply and accept grants, support, donations, gifts from any International body, other NGOs, public organizations, Companies, Corporations or from any person with a view of promoting the objectives of the Ministry. s) To develop into people a sense of self reliance by promoting hard work, collaboration with others into unions, mobilizing available resources and effectively using them. t) Work with PWDs to facilitate lobbying and advocating for their support through collaboration and networking with related stake holders and NGOs. u) To promote and build health services and structures in any part of Uganda particularly in the rural areas that are grossly under-served health wise, support the fight against malaria, HIV/AIDS and efforts to mitigate its impact among vulnerable groups like children and the widows and carry out public health education and hygiene, provision of safe and wholesome water and conservations of the environment. v) Promoting oneness in all people so that we all live in peace and harmony. w) Empowering the underprivileged (Women, youth an disables to live the least dependant lives) x) Provide relief and charitable services to vulnerable groups of people. y) To carry out outreaches, community sensitization measures and management of HIV/AIDS and other epidemic/endemic diseases. z) To promote adequate intervention for other medical uses like TB, Cancer, Epilepsy etc. aa) Reach other institutions with health awareness and community sensitization programs. bb) To identify, facilitate or supplement programs intended for promoting and improving the welfare of vulnerable groups, including but not limited to the establishment of health care services, promoting of community based initiatives for health and socio- economic empowerment. cc) To build institutional capacity of the organization so as to provide technical assistance and guidance to individuals, members organizations groups of person assisting vulnerable children. Girls and widows, by reconciling, coordinating, supporting and supplementing their activities and efforts. dd) To organize, conduct and carry out educational and sensitization programs through workshops, seminars, conferences, and facilitate regular meetings for relevant, persons as for exchange of views, experience, challenges and conception of new and appraisals of old projects. ee) To disseminate information relevant to the promotion of the welfare of children and widows through Mass Media and other publications such as journals, newspapers, pamphlets, magazines, posters etc. ff) To organize, conduct and encourage public debates and open discussions geared towards appreciating the questions of vulnerable children and women especially widows in society. gg) To monitor, offer technical support and evaluate programs and projects initiated and / or supported by the organization and or executed through members, organizing groups or person and or by widows. hh) To promote and encourage income generating projects among vulnerable groups like widows and youth as weak as the elderly women by empowering them skillfully and in resources. ii) To support, fund, supplement, advance monies as grant loans and or donate material things to member organization groups, persons or clubs with similar aims and objectives and to subscribe to any charitable or public object for the promotion of viable projects means for improving uplift and or sustaining the welfare or vulnerable children, girls and widows, elderly persons. God bless you so much.Together we can do a lot for the Savior. >You can write to us on tinfscare@yahoo.com (in case you wish to support us,get to moneybookers.com which works like paypal;Our email address is tinfscare@gmail.com)

Creating better lives in a better world!
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