Tagged: the body of christ

To love brethren
Every one that loveth is born of God
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
Update it July 11 9:44 AM
In-depth Hermeneutics and Sovereignty under a microscope

They called global warming. But something is amiss. Very strange days indeed

Canada’s heat wave of 129° cooks up shellfish alive

What is Going On? (Mass Bird Die-Off Across America!)

Somehow this is very strange times surreal!
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@wayne-sanelli • 4 years ago
This is an anointed message. I bare my cross. The Despised Messiah did not die in vain. He gave his life as a ransom for many. And he said it is finished.

Brainwashed deprived reprobates


What's just happened ???? We can call it global warming or we can believe scripture and Recognize the signs of the times.