Thyagi David


Iam David.K. Director of Seek For The Lost Ministries. Its my Passion to reach the unreached in India Greetings From Seek For The Lost Ministries. Hi I am David Director of Seek for The Lost Ministries. God Has Given me passion for to reach the unreached. God has given me different kind of Ministry. Aims: The institution to divine nature to help the poor and deserved. Helping The Hurting, Feeding The Hungry, Caring For The Children, Hope To The Hopeless, Water to The Thirsty, Shelter For The Poor, Lifting Up Jesus Christ, To teach the Holy Bible to the people. Nature of Activities:SEMINARS,CHURCH PLANTING,ORPHANAGES & SOCIAL WORK. so please pray for this ministry . if any one feel to contact, your free to contact me. Who Will Go For Me To Reach India? Can You Be The One ? INDIA Population: Geographically India is 3, 204, 000 sq. km with 28 states and 7 union territories. Nearly 18.5 percent of the world’s population is in India, living on just 2.4 % of the world’s surface. India has a population of 1,207,995,904 people making it the second largest populous country in the world . It is predicted that soon it will overtake China to become the largest populous country. It will be interesting to note that there are more people in India than in North and South America combined. India is one –third the size of the United States geographically, and four times bigger than the United States in terms of population. While the Christian Church in India is estimated to be growing by 5,000 people per day, the nation grows by 55,000 per day. India contains the largest blocks of UN-reached people in the world.



Location: Hyderabad
Country: IN



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