
He's the Master Architect
He's the Master...
Everett Adams
When the trumpet blows
When the trumpet...
Everett Adams
My Old Friend Cisco Kid
My Old Friend...
Rey Perez
Perfect Sacrifice
Perfect Sacrifice
Rey Perez


The Nativity

The Nativity

Heather Van Deren

album: Christmas
genre: Christmas Country
Jesus Is Coming Quickly

Jesus Is Coming Quickly

Unknown Artist

album: One Drop of Blood
 He Died For You

He Died For You

Mike Abrams

album: Walking with the Savior
genre: Gospel
God's Got U

God's Got U

Gabriel Cross

album: Revelations
genre: Gospel
I found love

I found love

David Isaac

album: Jesus to the world
genre: Gospel
My Mansion

My Mansion

Lace Tomus

album: My Mansion
genre: Gospel
Unite or Divide

Unite or Divide

John McKivergan

genre: Christian Rock
Psalm 62, Phil 1, 2:16  Is my Livin -deejaniccaG.

Psalm 62, Phil 1, 2:16 Is my Livin -deejaniccaG.


album: donnasmusicqk
genre: Gospel
Love Lifted Me

Love Lifted Me

Paula Disbrow

album: Hymns
genre: Hymns
Have You Talked To Jesus Today?

Have You Talked To Jesus Today?

Roger Sheppard

album: It Overflows
genre: Country Gospel
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