
The altar is now open
The altar is now...
Everett Adams
Is Jesus
Is Jesus
Everett Adams
Lord Hear My Cry   Make Me Over Again
Lord Hear My Cry...
Betty Howard
There's not enough silver
There's not...
Everett Adams


Jesus is the way to Heaven

Jesus is the way to Heaven

Eva Sabiniano

album: Born to Praise vol.1
Things Done For God and Others ( Key D)

Things Done For God and Others ( Key D)

Everett Adams

album: Looking forward to forever
genre: Christian country
Greatest ransom ever paid

Greatest ransom ever paid

Everett Adams

album: The wonders of God
genre: Country/southern Gospel
A Song In The Night

A Song In The Night

David Erickson

album: Keep Believing
genre: Christian/ Christian Gospel
One Day At A Time

One Day At A Time

Betty Howard

album: God's Amazing Love
genre: Gospel
God's Gonna Do (Reloaded)

God's Gonna Do (Reloaded)

Ahmande Cortez Simon

album: War -the EP- Zechariah 4:10
genre: gospel/contemporary-christian
The Holy Spirit Reigns

The Holy Spirit Reigns

Kenny heroux

album: N/a
genre: Christian Worship
Like Jesus

Like Jesus

Everett Adams

album: Tree of agony
genre: Country/southern Gospel


Brian Capa Young

album: Saved By The Blood
My Husband, My Dream Come True

My Husband, My Dream Come True

Paula Disbrow

album: September 2012
genre: Spanish Bossa Nova
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