
If His Blood Is Applied ( Key D)
If His Blood Is...
Everett Adams
If it wasn't for Jesus
If it wasn't for...
Everett Adams
He's the Master Architect
He's the Master...
Everett Adams
Rey Perez


All Over The World by Johnny B. Williams feat Landlord and Dr. Myles E. Munroe
7 Wings of a dove

7 Wings of a dove

Lace Tomus

album: Gospel Jubilee
genre: Gospel
I Heard Your Word

I Heard Your Word

Karen Showell

album: I Heard Your Word
genre: Christian, Gospel, Love, Ballad, Uplifting, Jesus Christ, Encouragement
Salvation Is Found On A Cross

Salvation Is Found On A Cross

The Ascension Quartet

album: Instrument of Grace
genre: Southern Gospel
Living My Life For Christ

Living My Life For Christ

Ricky Paul

album: My Life
genre: Gospel
Don't Leave Jesus Alone

Don't Leave Jesus Alone

Rico Dawson

album: Suppose To Be
genre: Contemporary Gospel
Peace Like A River

Peace Like A River

Charles Ross

album: Higher Expectations
Escape The Darkness

Escape The Darkness

David Erickson

album: Keep Believing
genre: Christian/ Christian Gospel
Worship You

Worship You

Norris Williams

album: Single Only
genre: Gospel
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