“ And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold . ” Matthew 24:12
King James Version (KJV)
Do not social distance the lord Jesus Christ.
We hear a lot of talk about Socialism these days. There is a lot of backstabbing. There is a lot of political insulting. There is a lot of news network propaganda. There are tons of people throwing the first stone and they are not without sin. I find it peculiar but in a sense perhaps surprising but then again not surprising as God’s word reveals more than the mind can’t sometimes accept as being reality or coming into reality. You know Democrats are in power in the United States. Liberal Democrats are in power in Canada and now in Germany democrats won the election. Adolf Hitler prior to his political power or political party that was in power in his time was the national Socialist German workers party. Today we have the talk about the great reset. And of course there has to be an agenda because God is not a liar. If it be now or in the future is to be seen. I am sure many know if it is now. But again I find it peculiar of how things appear to be lining up. And I know there are some Christians who believe this and others who are not ready to and put it/see all as the last days conspiracy. Jesus said hypocrites you can discern the weather but you can’t discern the times. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.
It’s certainly strange with the birthpangs that appear to be reality around the world. There are earthquakes, there are fires, there are volcanos, worldwide chaos and protesting and so much more. I hear a lot of people using God‘s name in vain. And this is not to hype people but in society it’s not hidden. And a little irritating. I see lots of women wearing red hair these days. Almost like in the lockdown they have absorbed fashion. They missed something. Do you miss the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is where you’re mind/heart should be. You have to be a doer of the word of God . But if you love only those whom love YOU then you will have no reward. Doing when stuck in reprobate mode is like the dog returning to his own vomit . Give your lives to Jesus. Call on the Lord to save you if you’re not saved already.
You know people take counsel against the true God which does exist of course. God‘s Word says nations that forget him are turned into hell. God gave man dominion until all be fulfilled. And we want heaven as many use God’s name in shock when they can’t believe something is happening that stands out. Yet they serve many gods of their own making. Many are deceived. Yeah they’re in-tangled in wickedness. And that is what is on their tongue quite often. So what can we expect. Well the word of God says one day Armageddon will come about. We shouldn’t hope for this. I know people are looking for the antichrist to show up on the scene. It will happen because God’s word is perfect. Who knows when. What will it profit a man to do such evils and perish. Do you see to perish is to end up in hell for eternity. Wake up!!!
The great falling away has been happening for a long time but of course it’s growing. Do not social distance Jesus Christ.
Here is an image on a wall in Canada I seen. It appears like people know something is up..
I come across another reporting of Pastor David Lynn in Montreal Canada. The police attempted to ticket him. It seems to end well. It’s a shame. It’s almost like a police state. And the police is under pressure these days with all that is happening. You know it’s the preaching on the street that turns people from crime and from a life of ruins. To attack the preachers just seems counterproductive. Strange days indeed. Always keep them in prayer. Even the police.
Count proceedings in the United States as freedoms are being undermined
“ And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold . ” Matthew 24:12
King James Version (KJV)
Do not social distance the lord Jesus Christ.
We hear a lot of talk about Socialism these days. There is a lot of backstabbing. There is a lot of political insulting. There is a lot of news network propaganda. There are tons of people throwing the first stone and they are not without sin. I find it peculiar but in a sense perhaps surprising but then again not surprising as God’s word reveals more than the mind can’t sometimes accept as being reality or coming into reality. You know Democrats are in power in the United States. Liberal Democrats are in power in Canada and now in Germany democrats won the election. Adolf Hitler prior to his political power or political party that was in power in his time was the national Socialist German workers party. Today we have the talk about the great reset. And of course there has to be an agenda because God is not a liar. If it be now or in the future is to be seen. I am sure many know if it is now. But again I find it peculiar of how things appear to be lining up. And I know there are some Christians who believe this and others who are not ready to and put it/see all as the last days conspiracy. Jesus said hypocrites you can discern the weather but you can’t discern the times. We wrestle not against flesh and blood.
It’s certainly strange with the birthpangs that appear to be reality around the world. There are earthquakes, there are fires, there are volcanos, worldwide chaos and protesting and so much more. I hear a lot of people using God‘s name in vain. And this is not to hype people but in society it’s not hidden. And a little irritating. I see lots of women wearing red hair these days. Almost like in the lockdown they have absorbed fashion. They missed something. Do you miss the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is where you’re mind/heart should be. You have to be a doer of the word of God . But if you love only those whom love YOU then you will have no reward. Doing when stuck in reprobate mode is like the dog returning to his own vomit . Give your lives to Jesus. Call on the Lord to save you if you’re not saved already.
You know people take counsel against the true God which does exist of course. God‘s Word says nations that forget him are turned into hell. God gave man dominion until all be fulfilled. And we want heaven as many use God’s name in shock when they can’t believe something is happening that stands out. Yet they serve many gods of their own making. Many are deceived. Yeah they’re in-tangled in wickedness. And that is what is on their tongue quite often. So what can we expect. Well the word of God says one day Armageddon will come about. We shouldn’t hope for this. I know people are looking for the antichrist to show up on the scene. It will happen because God’s word is perfect. Who knows when. What will it profit a man to do such evils and perish. Do you see to perish is to end up in hell for eternity. Wake up!!!
The great falling away has been happening for a long time but of course it’s growing. Do not social distance Jesus Christ.
Here is an image on a wall in Canada I seen. It appears like people know something is up..
I come across another reporting of Pastor David Lynn in Montreal Canada. The police attempted to ticket him. It seems to end well. It’s a shame. It’s almost like a police state. And the police is under pressure these days with all that is happening. You know it’s the preaching on the street that turns people from crime and from a life of ruins. To attack the preachers just seems counterproductive. Strange days indeed. Always keep them in prayer. Even the police.
Count proceedings in the United States as freedoms are being undermined