If you shed man's blood your own blood be upon your head. How can you avoid being sent to hell and God appointing you to the devil for destruction of the body? By Renewing Your Mind and becoming a true Christian and repenting of your sins you could avoid an unfruitful life. Many people read scripture on renewing the mind but they don't do it properly so we need to learn how to do this properly. The crime rate is staggering around the world today. We have trials and tribulations before us.
Read this in-depth and I challenge you to really give a damn. So many know about John 2:16 and so many know about money thought caring is futile.
Learn how to renew your mind before it's too late
Genesis 9:6
“ Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. ”
Learn how to really renew your mind by renewing your mind with God's Word - YouTube
King James Version (KJV)
I've read things in the media ever since they defunded the police that are mind-boggling. How do we make light of such a thing? You know especially in the United States the crime rate has been going through the roof ever since they defended the police and actually pro claimed war on the police. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and because humans don't really believe this they lack spiritual discernment. The gospel tells us that a man will be as he thinks. The God of this world is the devil and all of the world lies in his clutch. So if you are not truly saved and you are not a true Christian then you are a victim of the devil and he is your father. You are not a child of God then. We have a stubbornness about us that we don't accept the truth. You are either a true Christian believer who knows God and who is known of God or you are a deceived individual a victim of the works of darkness. That means you are in his clutch. You are a utensil for the devil.
We are taught to forgive those who trespass against us. This is extremely important. But there are countless human beings that are self-centered. Not just the homeless or the broken because people break people and tear them down. Some people are weak in the mind. You can kill a person just with your words and end up in hell for eternity. Your tongue has the power of life and death. Every day the world takes God's name in vain and has a verbal language. For example people care about their automobiles, change the oil and put in gas. But people care very little about true righteousness. As it is written the unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom. So what brought me that was on my heart today is to make you aware of such because of the crime rate around the world these people are Hellbound. Of course they don't understand God's judgments and live like it is non-existent. God gave the authorities that such people despise the power to persecute them. And of course there is good and bad in all of men's institutions. So of course I would plead with people to care about their own soul and salvation by picking up a Bible and read it daily. There is a God that created you and he does exist. So I have known that prayer is important for people but what is also equally important is to be a doer of the word of God. You can read the Bible or be good to people and still end up in hell and in no way is this to diminish God's word. Jesus said Heaven and Earth will pass away but his word will never pass away. So what I'm doing here is I want to reiterate and people to get it in their mind how to renew their mind and live a life submitted to the gospel in faith. So I found one video that is anointed and I asked people to review it. Watch and learn.
Now the things that I have read in the media and that I have been made aware of are staggering and shocking. We have to be very near the end because there are rumours of wars and the evil that is upon the Earth today is foretold in Prophecy. Jesus said that near his coming the evil upon the Earth will be staggering unlike anything man has ever seen since the beginning of the creation.
Matthew 24:21
“ For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be .”
King James Version (KJV)
Is Capital Punishment Biblical?
The Reuben Isreal show
So we have certain Christians but not all that are calling for the law to prosecute such evil people that are troubling society. So they want probably capital punishment. There is a point of no return it seems although Christ died for the sins of the world. God is not mocked nor is God a helpless grandfather. We reap what we sow and God will deal with the evil as he is very upset at them daily the gospel tells us. There are some things that anger the true God and this is righteous anger. So I think it's time for the preachers and pastures to start preaching hell . Lift up your voice and warn the inhabitants of the Earth. So that Souls can be saved. The true Jesus Christ did not die in vain for the sins of the world. So many don't fear God today but they will when they breathed their last breath. 10:44 a.m. Sunday February 20th 2021
In my after notes today please get yourself saved ASAP. Read the above and watch the videos. Repent of your sins if you are lost. I will come back later to discuss this .
Now I am back with the second half of Renewing Your Mind. It's not just about your salvation which Christians will always come back and say you are doing works. So when somebody goes to Alcohol Anonymous or somebody goes to anger management to learn to control themselves for those who really need to help that is a good thing if they use it in a positive way. The Bible says we are to bring every thought into captivity. Sometimes this is not easy because we are trying to retain some aspect of the world. And I can go on about this but I won't. People are in different situations and some people are false converts and may never find Salvation. But you should care because there are people with strong Minds. There are people that did not love their own lives to the death. In fact Jesus Christ Told Apostle Peter follow me and he did but he was scared as hell.
12:44 noon February 20, 2022
What Does the " " Look Like for Christians ?
A couple of paragraphs from the article that I like and that have substance.
" Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” Did you get that? It’s through God’s precious promises that we participate in the divine nature."
" You can absolutely live the abundant life Jesus promised if you master the process of renewing your mind including recognizing the lies of the enemy, intentionally replacing them with the truth of God’s Word, and reinforcing that truth through visualization and affirmations. As you do, you’ll be amazed at the double doors of favor that seems to instantaneously appear in your life simply because you came into agreement with God’s design for your life, rather than trying to make it happen all on your own ."
I just took some words about Renewing Your Mind above. What does it mean to really renew our minds? Well I think these people are correct to replace the enemies lies with truth and you cast down strongholds just like I wrote about prior. But you could walk and do this day, tonight and still not live the life of a true Christian but although that is one great aspect to press in and to strive. Let's look at it like this that say you have a computer and you wipe the hard drive clean and you reprogram the computer fresh that will help it run properly and a lot of people actually do this. Your mind stores memories and they say in your subconscious are things that could make you react badly. What you put in comes out. So as I said before if you are around people that swear and take God's name in vain you have bad company. Bad Company corrupts good morals and this is one reason God says you cannot befriend the world without becoming his enemy. Jesus said to repent and that is to make a complete change. Perhaps many people know about the word repent but they actually don't do it and so he doesn't really know them. He said to forgive your enemies and many people say they forgive their enemies but their fruits show otherwise. We have to put the word of God into action in being doers of that word. So first you need a change of heart and you need to recognize that something is not right as you have an inner voice because God has planted his laws in your heart. If you have the Holy Ghost then you have a comforter. Who can be against you then?) You are not left void and unassisted. So once you put God's word in there and you have been delivered from darkness and you could be guided as God will direct your path in the right direction. I mean they do studies all the time whether it be with animals, health and diseases or outer space to learn how to better something. One very important aspect is to live in the spirit because the flesh profits nothing. To live in the flesh actually brings forth death. Jesus said every liar will have their part in the fires of hell. God says here's the way and man goes the opposite way. So you replace that wrong thought with God's word. But then you should not meditate on following a wrong way that you use to do before you knew God. Some people pick up God's word and it changes their entire life. Blessed are they that have a right to the Tree of Life. Remember Christ said that Satan thinks of the things that be of men. God highly esteem a contrite individual. In essence the thief on the cross renewed his mind. He took responsibility that he deserved what he was getting. That both thieves deserve what they were getting and he recognized the true Messiah nailed on a Roman cross beside him and repented. He asked the Lord to remember him when he comes into his kingdom. And he was granted Eternal salvation that day.
12:33 noon February 2020
So for just an example say young person had the opportunity presents itself to sleep with a woman because she's hot she likes him and she's even willing. You are not married and you know this is sin. Are you going to answer the flesh or are you going just say no and show gratitude by respecting that woman and perhaps buying her dinner without any payment. That means you're loving her soul. You're not there to use her. How many can truly do this? Jesus did not give in as he is the Lamb that takes away the sins of the world. Loving your neighbour as yourselves is important. Denying yourself and putting God before your flesh. Or spending time praying with such a person instead of being Macho Man. Or will your pride establish you that day to be a child of the devil and your fruits show your true colours. You don't do it to earn your salvation . You don't force your righteousness. John 10:10 read that daily. Say the Our Father prayer daily out loud.
Jesus said a man who looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God. Many people have home videos of their lives and they watch movies over and over and over. They say love songs are a dime a dozen. Sports or entertainment become huge idols. People are steeped in idolatry in gambling, drunkenness and all sorts of evils. But they don't fear God because they don't see/comprehend the end. But when they close their eyes and open their eyes in eternity if they were not saved and did not repent they will get the shock of their lives. We can't reiterate time and time again that Christ made it known if your hand causes you to sin or your eyes or your foot you're better off without them because the more sin you stack the more wrath will come to you and the greater will be your punishment. Your family might be under a curse because God tells us those reprobate what the outcome is. So I encourage you to renew your mind and to get on that straight path into the strait gate before it's too late. What's is it going to profit you to be stubborn and repeat the nonsense you have been living. The drunker may stagger today right into the bottomless pit of Hell. Everyday drunk people cause mischief. So renew your minds.