Are you crucifying the Flesh and picking up your cross daily. Or are you subconsciously making allowances for your ignorance and using your hands to do evil in the sight of the Lord? Jesus said if your hand causes you to sin cut it off because it is better for you to go into life maimed then for judgment to come swiftly and harshly come your way. Jesus also said if you love me keep my Commandments.

5:44 p.m. February 25 2022
By faith alone
Galatians 5:24 King James Version
24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
When the devil made sin acceptable to Eve was that by faith alone? When you choose sin being your flesh your choice is death. By having grace abound what you are truly doing is pondering the thought process that Christ did it all for you anyways. It's like abusing your hospitality when somebody extends grace at their courtesy to you. What you are truly doing is inn essence is choosing the thought to be like the world and exercising that hidden conscious mindset which gives you the authority to sin against your own body. Now you can pray which is powerful but you need to be a doer of the word of God. The drunk may pray to overcome his master the bottle but that very night might crash into a family and wipe them off the face of the Earth which I have heard about before. How does one overcome? Put in your mind and repeat it that the wages of sin is death. Give thanks and praise to the Lord in everything. Sure when in your weakness you are strong but in your sin you are disobeying the Vine. I'm sure we are not saved by works but your works are important through your salvation. The unrighteous will not inherit the Kingdom. Think of the people with that mindset of ignorance and think of all the abortions daily. It is written thou shall not kill. If Brothers and Sisters in Christ truly love you they will pray for you and help you overcome. This is why God said to befriend the world is enmity with him. It does not change. Are you there to please your friends or people to get an entourage of people that tell you you're so pretty or you're so handsome but inside you're nothing but a devil. Who is your master? Whom is mastering you? You can store up the world and end up for eternity in outer darkness because of your own choosing. Do you want to be like the world that hates God and is trying to store up treasures for Earth or do you want to be like Jesus Christ who is the unblemished Lamb of God. If you are born again you are not perfect but you are being perfected. You need those trials and tribulations as even Apostle Peter found them very very rewarding.
You know I read around Christian sites that this method of thinking of abusing grace has only come forward in the last five too six hundred years. The early church did not see things as modern Christians or even preachers preach in essence. But I am not saying to think that you will be condemned if you are saved and not obeying as the vine. But at the same time you need a wake-up call and the Watchmen needs to be watching the brethren. So many Christians can't wait to be zapped out. They want to be raptured out but we are to finish the good fight. We are to endure and press in. Think of your future children. What are you going to teach them that can save their souls and live righteous and come to know the true unblemished Lamb of God. Lies cannot save your soul but the biblical Lord Jesus Christ overcame this world and the devil. You are a slave to your flesh feeding yourself lies. The word of God tells us to contend for the faith once delivered onto the saints. Let me reiterate that. Contend, contend, contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints. Apostle Paul finished the good fight and he was a persecutor of Christians. Yes he was a murderer. Many people murder people with their tongues daily. What are you storing up when you choose your flesh. God sees everything and knows everything. If you have the Holy Ghost then you have the comforter and you in essence have a great responsibility. You have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb and sure everything is paid for but greater is he that is in you then that is in the world. If he is in you then you know that you have a great comforter and that it is completely possible to overcome the flesh. Say the Our Father prayer daily. You have to be a doer of the word of God. You must do his will and that means God's will but not yours. May the grace of the Lord be with you. 5:44 p.m. February 25 2022
In my after notes today
Yes I want you to ponder daily if you are truly a Christian why are people right now in the land of the damned where they can never get out. At what point did God give them over to a reprobate mind and eventually sentenced them to hell. God is merciful and graceful but are we showing our gratitude back or are we abusing grace? The one who teaches you to break Commandments they will be called the least in the kingdom of God. It's not only about setting high standards. It's about obeying the vine and overcoming the world just like Christ did. There's no gain in sin. What did Eve and Adam gain by eating from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil? What did the inhabitants of the earth gain when God brought the flood on the whole world. The hand can't say to the foot I have no need of you. If we are all one under Christ then we have different brothers and sisters that are Warriors for Christ. You have to be a doer of the word of God. At the same time we realize that there are weak people in the faith. Pray that God helps you overcome. If you love your brothers and sisters in Christ then you will help them overcome. Remember Apostle Paul and Timothy were not too pleased with those Galatians or the other groups such as a Corinthians that were back sliders. We are commanded to live a holy life as true Christians. I want you to ponder in prayer what that means. If we have a master who is the biblical unblemished Lamb of God then he is the shepherd and a matter of fact he is the only door which is a Straight Gate.