Arthur stood up for what he believed in. And I know what some people think. Nonetheless people should love regardless. To love a man's soul and not want him to perish it's important. Remember that. The martyrs of Jesus Christ stood up and did not love their own lives to the death. The reason in the west that we have freedom is that soldiers died just as Christ died on the cross so that you could have eternal life and be spaired Eternal damnation.

Pasture Arthur Pawlowski has been in jail for over a month and they say he is in solitary confinement. Please pray for him. Although people don't believe in prophecy and that it appears what is going on in the world that it was foretold but there is doubt if we are truly in the end days. We can't jump to conclusions but we're certainly heading there. And so I wrote to ask people to please pray for Arthur. Jesus laid down his life for you and me. He said to love each other.
Here is some video regarding the current news. The gospel is the good news. It's not the fake news. It's not propaganda. There is only one name given unto man in which he/she could find Salvation and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you saved and do you have a relationship with the biblical Lord Jesus Christ?
Bus fire nearly destroys Pastor Artur Pawlowski's church
During the trials in the world people I wonder if they learn to change and to seek the true God. The true God is the God of the Bible and he is the same God of Israel. On the other hand the Jewish Messiah who is the unblemished Lamb of God and him truly is risen is described in the King James Bible. The wages of sin is death. The good news is you can have an eternal home which is heaven if you give your lives to the biblical Lord Jesus Christ. Repent of your sins and believe in the gospel