As people use profanity everyday countless people live in delusion either that there is no God or there is no judgment. People around the world die everyday and probably the majority of them end up in hell. How do we know this? Because God told us it is so. The prophet Isaiah said that hell gets wider all the time. There are funerals around the world every day and while many people find comfort in thinking their loved ones went to heaven or even many celebrities that have passed on might right at this moment be in hell and many people are going to be joining them because they refuse to repent and turn to the truth.

The power of life and death
See: Video below
Some things to bring to your attention that are alarming, shocking Unholy. I know that the God who created everything is angry at human beings every single day. People who are Christians or claim to be Christians or even those that have written books prefer to see Jesus and I'm talking about the real non pagan unblemished Lamb of God given the name Emmanuel God With Us is so loving that he just wants everybody in heaven and just accepts everything. This is not so. When he tells the multitude on the day of judgement that he doesn't know them and they are sent into outer darkness is that still the loving person I just explained whom is God? There are some things that will send you straight to hell . Is that the same Jesus as Hollywood sees? And there is a video of my brother Ruben Israel preaching to Hollywood. There are truly Hollywood associates in many countries and they need preaching so do many others. Now on the other hand so the video clips that I've seen about this tornado in WICHITA, Kan. (KWCH) - (where) "The Andover fire chief said 966 buildings were in the path of a destructive tornado +" in one of the videos that was posted but disappeared this morning people were taking God's name in vain profusely and swearing in it. They use the word holy with profanity. It really makes you wonder. I was out yesterday for example and the swearing I heard from people's mouths and doing some wicked things is just shocking. People do not think about hell but they just want to hear about Jesus being so loving. God's word says to fear Him. It also tells us that your words have the power to send you to hell. And in preaching of a Street Preacher yesterday what I witnessed was shocking as a man was being a pestilence to him. It seems the aggressor he just couldn't accept the message
" Police in Ottawa made several arrests Friday while facing off against protesters opposed to COVID-19 mandates, wearing helmets and carrying batons as big-rig trucks and campers attempted to make their way to Parliament Hill ."
On the other hand I heard about an arrest or two at some rally in Ottawa. As reported " Hundreds of cops converge at EY Centre for Rolling Thunder's rally in Ottawa ". I seen David Menzies the reporter trying to get the police's response to shutting down veterans freedom to protest and other supporters. And then it is reported that they had put together a truth Committee in the United States after learning about the purchase of Twitter with Elon Musk. Yesterday I heard a Street Preacher preaching that all liars will have their part in the Lake of Fire. You see what humans sometimes will say is a lie can actually be the truth and they're just masking it. So you have to be careful. I guess in a court of law they would call it hearsay. The real truth is when humans lie it is exposed to the true God. The Bible says You must be born again. John 3:3 Jesus said Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will never pass away .
Yesterday a gay man told me that he was born gay. ( I personally don't believe anybody is born gay ) The Bible calls this perversion and an abomination. God has said that no such person will inherit the Kingdom unless they have repented and turned to the truth. No excuse will fly with the true God. If there are people in hell right now then they had a chance when God had provided grace but they probably refused to repent and turn to the truth. The biblical Lord Jesus Christ gave his life as a ransom for many on the cross but that doesn't give us human beings the right to live a very sinful life with all manner of iniquity and be delusional thinking that they are going to go to heaven when they're actually going straight to hell . The Bible says you will know them by their fruits and that is exactly true. The fruits are not always laughing, partying and being funny or even seeming friendly and happy. There are fruits that are evident in the mannerisms of people. Even how they dress and how they talk. Many people walk around decorated in jewellery. Many people walk around looking like the world, acting like the world even if it is extremely sinful because they want to have the praise and the fellowship of other like-minded individuals. Otherwise known as birds of a feather. Christ never walked in the way of sinners but the Bible says blessed is the man who doesn't stand in the way of sinners. The other thing I have to say is when you preach to such people they will say you're judging me. There is the one fellow that I mentioned above that yesterday seemed to be under the influence of either alcohol or drugs and he called the preacher a liar. God doesn't joke because the god they know or think they know is not really God who created everything seen and unseen. Such people are of their father the devil. This is why preachers preach hell because the Messiah was a Hellfire preacher. This is a place that no one should go to where the fire is never quenched and peoples souls are in excruciating pain. Jesus said repent or perish. To perish is to end up in hell.
Now from time to time I do approach smokers and tell them what is written in God's word about defiling your temple. We are to keep it holy according to God. That means no sex before marriage and no fornication. No smoking or drug taking. Even when you swear or curse people with that Wicked mouth you are defiling your temple. The Messiah said that your tongue has the power of life and death. You want to know what he meant? Open your ears do you really want to know what he meant or do you not really want to know?? He meant your tongue can send you straight to hell for all of eternity. The power of life and death is in your tongue. So taking God's name in vain repeatedly is serious.
( even taking holy things in vain)
Now talk about Hollywood on the other hand or celebrities even that I have admired in my lifetime the song imagine will not bring peace. But why? Because the implications are trying to say let's all be chummy and be at peace but say there's no hell and there's no God just imagine it your way is an abomination in ignorance. There's a hell and there's a God so watch what you sing because you might sing yourself a straight into the pit of Hell.
In my after notes sometimes preaching for reaching out to what you know is counterfeit people and they give you the finger what they are doing is mocking God and condemning themselves. Apostle Peter called them brute beasts. People want to go to heaven but they refuse to change or to accept the truth. All liars shall have their part in the Lake of Fire.
Be advised that they are reporting some protest as the police are preparing for this weekend in Toronto downtown and in Ottawa and perhaps other parts of Canada. I seen the news clip and the fella said that one protest is against Israel and calls for the annihilation the state of Israel. So pray that there's no violence and that people are peaceful. And my condolences for the people that have been displaced and hurt in this hurricane. Including the ongoing war in the Ukraine.
In the video below cuz there was a man who was causing a disturbance a little bit did come over to me and say a bunch of things but I tried to calm him down as he appeared on the influence of something. He was annoyed at the preaching. At the preaching about gay men and the Bible in God's word. ( for certain reasons I left out his conversation with me because I wasn't doing the preaching and I did tell him to let the preacher preach and reminded him to relax )
8:44 a.m. April 30th 2022 further concluded at 9:44 a.m. today
On May 3 2022 I am extending my notes for the above because I feel it's important.
Since I covered this I'll have to add that it was not my Ministry and I wasn't doing the preaching but I am disgusted with people bothering a preacher and causing trouble as this man did. He was being a nuisance and he knew what he was doing. I've seen him before in the past. They go there or they are in the area and they cause trouble. He is gay and he even said that he is trying to get the guy being the preacher to leave. I don't know the exact Ministry this particular preachers is from but it may have a connection with the Bible society. The one thing that I certainly feel that he shouldn't have did too much is bless the offender and others repeatedly. You don't keep blessing somebody committing such grave Abominations to God. You're supposed to rebuke with long suffering. The offender being the gay man who was up in the face of the preacher and drooling on his Bible information and tracks on the table was in his face and being rude.
The gay man did come over to me and he knew exactly what he was doing and told me that the preacher was stupid and was preaching hate against gays. Since I was there and I feel as a True Believer I am to contend for the faith once delivered unto the Saints so he told me that he was a high priest and to believe him and don't believe the preacher. (Satins best friend) For anybody to cause such a disturbance and unplug somebody's amplifier he is wicked. He's no high priest and he did do the pagan sign of the cross so he is a pagan but he's not a Christian. He is a serious sinner this gay man is living a life in perpetual sin. He does not know God because if he did he would know the consequences that God has foretold even through his own son and through his holy Prophets.
I feel the preacher should have directly quoted the scriptures..
Leviticus 18 and 20
Both males God condemns that do such things
" You shall not lie with a male as with a woman ; it is an abomination ." Chapter 18 verse 22. "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death ; their blood is upon them." Chapter 20 verse 13.
1 Corinthians 6:9
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
King James Version (KJV)
I did ask the preacher what Minister he was from. He was nice enough to say take a bunch of tracts. But he never gave me his card. But I believe he's from The Bible Society. Still I think it's wrong for people to make trouble for a preacher as they can just walk away.