We often want the good news and even Christians just seem to want to reflect being saved by grace through faith and sort of turn a blind eye to the Wicked World that is very ungodly before us. Yes we give thanks and praise daily for what Christ has done. That is great news but some of the things they are reporting lately and even within the last couple years are things you just didn't hear before such as it is.

4:44 p.m. May 7th 2022
Generation of evil doers
What happened to the days of honest and peaceful protesting. The days when you went out there standing up for whatever rights you believe you have. I mean if it's an election you stand up for whatever it is you believe in. But you see I can understand things like vaccines and masking but protest and try to influence the judges decisions or trying to deter them from knocking down Roe vers Wade as far as a jury and the judge that's like protesting God. To do the things that they even reported on the five it's just not right.
I don't know if the same things happened in other nations where they want to pack the court so that a particular side might be able to achieve their agenda. What happened to the rule of law? And I am aware that sometimes laws could be outdated or even wrong. But it's just the way in which it is being approached that is what the five discussed and they made some valid points. God does exist and he is the God of Israel and the God of the Bible and his laws are very important and carry extreme consequences if people break them depending on the severity of whatever is being affected. For example it is written ; Thou shalt not kill . If a woman says she has a right to her body does she have a right to kill her baby when she is pregnant? And what about the father of that baby they would also be implicated for committing sin and being an accomplice to murder. You see the wages of sin is death. That means without repentance nor forgiveness such a person will not go to heaven but actually go to hell when they die. They might feel they got away with it until they open their eyes in eternity where the fire is never quenched. And I know how easy it is to be worldly and to live by the flesh because I did it to once. So God's word instructs a man to find himself if he is a true Christian a woman who fears God and upholds his laws. The Bible says such a woman is to be praised.
Protesting at these judges homes does not seem proper. Although people do them we're living at a time when people should be seeking the God of the Bible. We are living in a modern generation of evildoers. That is the truth. Where did morals go? And I do think there are some people out there that still have common decency and respect.
You know what is written in scripture how people will be in the end times? And how do we know it's the end times or near it? Because people will not be able to accept truth anymore and the truth will actually be evil spoken evil of.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
King James Version
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud , blasphemers , disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away .
Now the other thing I want to say that there is a misconception that Christ said to buy yourself a sword to protect yourself. His word is the sword of his mouth because God said vengeance is his. The sword was needed to be bought for prophecy to be fulfilled. And hurting anybody with any part of your body will bring you into God's judgment. God's word tells us don't fear man who can kill the body and afterwards not touch the soul. It is written to fear God who has the power to cast you into hell for all of eternity absent from God. And sure the gospel is the good news but when people are murdering unborn children to the amounts of 73 million babies worldwide yearly how can we expect God's blessing. People need to be taught the gospel and as well righteousness and to be warned of the coming judgment.
Now I did compare the gun violence in America compared to Canada. Canada's is just a crumb compared to America which they're estimating some 45,000 gun deaths or crimes by gun in one given year. Of course America has probably three times the amount of people. I'm also under the understanding that in America people could own guns like people own cell phones in Canada. I could imagine the huge weight on the authorities shoulders. The amount of evil in the world today is off the richter scale. People need the gospel preached unto them. As I say people don't love God with all their heart mind and soul but they love all the defiled Wicked Ways and deceitful ways of the world.
Christ demonstrated peace and it is written blessed are other peacemakers for they shall inherit the earth. When Apostle Peter abruptly cut off the ear of the Roman soldier with the sword Christ healed his ear. And look what he told Peter.
Matthew 26:52
King James Version
52 Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword .
Remember it is written vengeance is mine/God and not to put God to the test. I could understand self-defense. I do see the lawlessness that's reported in the United States and even other parts of the world. If people only understood that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities of evil in high places. What is your life but a vapour here today and gone tomorrow. Do you know what Christ is saying? What's it going to profit you to end up in hell for all of eternity? Because it's a place that does exist and once you go there there is no getting out. You will lose your soul. So I plead with you to turn to righteousness and to pick up a Bible and I recommend the King James Bible and start reading it and start praying and ponder where you want to spend eternity because you will either be and hell or in heaven.
Do you understand what it means that Christ had nowhere to lay his head on Earth? That is the amount of listening people have to God. 5:44 p.m. finalized today same day.
In my after notes and thoughts there is a discrepancy blindness of what is going on in the world? Christ said he testified against the world because its deeds are evil . He even called some of his own evil. We know that in the end times Nation will rise up against Nation. And lately there have been headlines that the world is under nuclear threat. The tensions that are occurring with the shortage of gasoline, fueling products, food shortages as well as pestilences and all these things we hope to overcome are enormous. Sure we don't want to ponder on the negative but who is the prince of this world? You either serve the true God or you don't. You are either a believer or you aren't. It's a choice that you have to make. God gave us his only begotten son : John 3:16
An update on this at 12:44 a.m. May 8th 2022 that there is outrageous reporting of protesting. I seen one offensive reporting or an individual said what they will do to those babies. I think America's one country that has been known to be a beacon for the rest of the world at times in certain areas. The great falling away of morals is evident in societies. Just look at this comment of this individual and it says a lot.