We are living unless you are blind in perilous times when the Earth is full of violence just like in the day of Noah. It Grieves me to have to look at it truthfully because I remember a time when I was worldly but friendship with with the world is enmity with God. When Christ says on the day of judgment that people are lawless because they are workers of iniquity and they are sent to hell how many preachers that sort of are relaxed are going to say I knew it Lord. Including Christians. You know the truth is sometimes with people that are religious and lost I find atheists to have better manners. Isn't life strange. The abortion issue matters to those who want to murder their babies because they can't control their body which is created in the image of God and murder leads to hell.

"The argument in favor of abortion is encapsulated in the slogan, " My body, my choice. " This argument, however, is fundamentally flawed. It deliberately ignores the fact that innocent infant lives are at the center of the abortion issue. What about the body of the preborn baby? What about their choice?"
The whole article can be found on Fox if you just head over there.
Some people live in Nations that have populations that are almost unimaginable. So many people and yet they live in dictatorship totalitarian Nations. In other words they're controlled and they are in a way forced against their will to serve their leaders as gods. Still they might have abortions in these nations. The point is in democratic nations which are rather free people have a choice and people ignore God and put self before him. They have GOD on their lips and they do not withhold back taking his name in vain not even children. But we are commanded to love him with all our heart mind and soul and he warns us that hell is real. We like to think that our loved ones that we really hate are in heaven. This is another human comforting lie. Because the way to eternal life is a straight Gate but the world is on the Highway to Hell. Many people end up in hell and very few people end up in eternal life. People aren't scared they're not even scared of speaking indignities because they are ignorant and as apostle Peter called them brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed. What did he mean by that? They are made to be sent to hell for all of eternity. So people are busy doing evil and then news and headlines are full of evils with all kinds of violences but God has reserved even for the angels that fell hell. That is a place when you end up there that does exist there's no coming out. Yet many people follow lies thinking it will deliver their soul to heaven. Recently a doctor was quoted saying "I'm a Democrat and a doctor and I can't choose between the two", being that he can't or is forced not to perform abortions. Does he know what he's saying? Is he a human? Is he a sinner? Is he an accessory to murder and does he take part in murdering an unborn baby? 6:44 a.m. May 2021
PS: Is this doctor saved?