Updating this blog on Friday August 19th 2022 at 3:44 p.m.
Does rock and roll contribute to juvenile delinquency?
I did some Christian research and it's because I heard about rock and roll contributing to juvenile delinquency for a long time people preached against rock music and certain aspects derogatory life. They claim that such music is demonic and that the music today is controlled by Satan.
Thurs August 18, 2022
The celebrity, famous, rich & worshiped icons
It shouldn't be a surprise to true Christians that what is going on is much deeper because it concerns that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12 People have horror stories of their lives in celebrity. (I've heard them) And while it's people who make the choice to participate in such things they are ignorant that they are dealing not just with flesh and blood but also something much deeper as the Bible describes in the book of Ephesians. You can't serve two masters. It is evident as God tells us but the things that men highly esteem are an abomination to him. We like to think that God gave it to us if we are famous and living that lifestyle. ( Christ was offered to kingdoms of the world to worship Satan ) The Bible says there's a way that appears right to a man but in the end it is the way of death. So I was inquiring/studying history as a Christian sort of looking at different time periods and the various music that became famous of the day including actors. Including perhaps the longest running series. And different things came up. I learned about an actress from Gunsmoke who played Miss Kitty who died of AIDS. It was reported her husband also died of AIDS. She was no doubt a very beautiful woman but looking at her lifestyle her marriages (she had more than one) did not last very long. She was said to be a heavy smoker. She loved animals and they believe she might have contracted AIDS from a trip to Africa. You see Jesus Christ of Nazareth taught us if you want to enter into life keep the Commandments. He had nowhere to lay his head. Even in the sermon on the mount he knew full well that many people just wanted the free gifts of food but did not intend to repent. God created life seen and unseen and told us I put life and death before you choose life. Countless people choose death and live a sinful life ignorantly.
Now in the beginning of this looking back at these time with all the things reported concerning politicians and some things being disputes between the democrats and republicans it made me wonder about Richard Nixon. Rock and roll, John Lennon writing the song give Peace a chance which got media attention and it was concerning peace for the Vietnam war. " Ending the Vietnam War, 1969–1973. President Richard M. Nixon assumed responsibility for the Vietnam War as he swore the oath of office on January 20, 1969."
A huge investigation occurred and when it was complete it sent people to prison and of course Nixon resigned. And I read all about that but what was interesting particularly two people that went to prison one became a born-again Christian and I believe the other one a Presbyterian minister . Interesting. What is it going to profit you to gain the world and you end up in hell for all the eternity. Stop and think before you lose your soul.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth said to turn people from Satan unto God and these people have turned the wrong way and need ministering.
Romans 8:28
King James Version
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
So Christ said if you do it for the least you have done it on to him .
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Matthew 25:43
Timothy was a traveling Christian street preacher administering the word of God and being a soldier for Jesus like street preachers are out preaching even among wolves. There is a time and place for everything. But hypocrites of course will judge. Various ministries do research on such subjects and address it. May the Lord be blessed and may these people be ministered onto.
Matthew 24:12
New King James Version
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow (A)cold.
One Time Elvis Presley was said to have failed at the Grand old Opry and told to go back to driving a truck. I've heard this for years on top of them saying that rock and roll is demonic and promotes juvenile delinquency.
Elvis Presley was told the music he was making being rock and roll was contributing to juvenile delinquency. You know a lot of things can contribute to such a thing. What about before the birth of rock and roll centuries ago when sins were running through the roof and God flooded the whole world. Genusis 6.9 The heart is abundantly wicked. But they do say growing up in a good family does matter. You can have a parent that's too strict and that is not good. You can have a parent that is not strict at all and that is not good. If you grow up seeing your mother and father fighting all the time that is not good. Society in general is opposed to the things that be of God. But then again the Bible says that the authorities are ordained of God. And they say some nations were founded on God's principles/laws and that is referenced in the Bible. But there's delinquency in people that are not juveniles too. You know there's an excuse that a lot of people use "We were young then". It's true in a sense. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was young and he was a child that was so bright that it astonished the religious figures of his day. God provided many different people in life. God gave us great prophets, apostles, teachers, preachers and his word being the Bible. God gave us his only begotten son. John 3:16 God gave us grace and mercy despite all of us deserving hell. So perhaps you Christians, preachers and street preachers might look into this and have some sermons, preaching and give it/these people some attention. You see in America, even Canada and as reported in other parts of the world it seems like lawlessness abounds through the roof. Praise the Lord and give him Glory. 5:44 p.m. August 18th 2022
Something DARK is going on with HOLLYWOOD - How SATAN has managed to destroy many souls?
On search below...
What contributed to juvenile delinquency?
"Family characteristics such as poor parenting skills, family size, home discord, child maltreatment, and antisocial parents are risk factors linked to juvenile delinquency (Derzon and Lipsey, 2000; Wasserman and Seracini, 2001)."
What theory causes juvenile delinquency the most?
"Anomie Theory"
"Merton's theory explains that juvenile delinquency occurs because the juveniles do not have the means to make themselves happy. Their goals are unattainable within legal means so they find unlawful means by which to attain their goals." Oct 10, 2021
This is a subject that faces the Christian church greatly.
Concluded rework of this blog and update 4:40 p.m. August 19, 2022
In my afterthoughts for juvenile delinquency without getting into huge studies we already know a great deal of the answer. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and when certain things are done that totally blocks out God's word it's inevitable that you are putting yourself into spiritual danger as well as sometimes physical danger. The mind of the youth is still developing. Pride comes before a fall. Birds of a feather flock together. Parents give in to children and give them what they want. I've experienced this. Not particularly with myself but with others. When you give in to a child you teach them that it pays to do that wickedness and the Bible/God's word is against this. At the same time parents should not be abusive to children. It's called parenting. You have to raise them properly. It's not an easy task. Remember that old saying show me your friends and I will tell you who you are? In a sense that's true. Bad companies corrupts good morals. If there's no righteousness at home in terms of people swearing and talking dirty the children will pick this up. I knew of parents that were together for over 50 years and they had children that talk dirty and indulged in all manner of the flesh. The Bible says God cannot tempt you it's impossible but the devil can and will. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you. You can't serve two masters. If you're an atheist it's going to even be harder for you. You know what at the same time we don't want to condemn our friends who are not perfect because we are to love them. But you need wisdom so you know how to delegate who to hang around and when not to. I remember my dad would come home tired from work and my mom would want him to go to my friend's house who's Dad talked dirty. He would look for excuses not to go and she would do as the manipulation that women do to get him to go. Sometimes he would give in and come home miserable. So what did he do, he stayed at work after work to avoid going home. He put his passion into his jobs. This is not the way a marriage should be conducted. And how do I know this because I worked with him.
Minister to juvenile delinquents
Updating this blog on Friday August 19th 2022 at 3:44 p.m.Does rock and roll contribute to juvenile delinquency?
I did some Christian research and it's because I heard about rock and roll contributing to juvenile delinquency for a long time people preached against rock music and certain aspects derogatory life. They claim that such music is demonic and that the music today is controlled by Satan.
Thurs August 18, 2022
The celebrity, famous, rich & worshiped icons
It shouldn't be a surprise to true Christians that what is going on is much deeper because it concerns that we wrestle not against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12 People have horror stories of their lives in celebrity. (I've heard them) And while it's people who make the choice to participate in such things they are ignorant that they are dealing not just with flesh and blood but also something much deeper as the Bible describes in the book of Ephesians. You can't serve two masters. It is evident as God tells us but the things that men highly esteem are an abomination to him. We like to think that God gave it to us if we are famous and living that lifestyle. ( Christ was offered to kingdoms of the world to worship Satan ) The Bible says there's a way that appears right to a man but in the end it is the way of death. So I was inquiring/studying history as a Christian sort of looking at different time periods and the various music that became famous of the day including actors. Including perhaps the longest running series. And different things came up. I learned about an actress from Gunsmoke who played Miss Kitty who died of AIDS. It was reported her husband also died of AIDS. She was no doubt a very beautiful woman but looking at her lifestyle her marriages (she had more than one) did not last very long. She was said to be a heavy smoker. She loved animals and they believe she might have contracted AIDS from a trip to Africa. You see Jesus Christ of Nazareth taught us if you want to enter into life keep the Commandments. He had nowhere to lay his head. Even in the sermon on the mount he knew full well that many people just wanted the free gifts of food but did not intend to repent. God created life seen and unseen and told us I put life and death before you choose life. Countless people choose death and live a sinful life ignorantly.
Now in the beginning of this looking back at these time with all the things reported concerning politicians and some things being disputes between the democrats and republicans it made me wonder about Richard Nixon. Rock and roll, John Lennon writing the song give Peace a chance which got media attention and it was concerning peace for the Vietnam war. " Ending the Vietnam War, 1969–1973. President Richard M. Nixon assumed responsibility for the Vietnam War as he swore the oath of office on January 20, 1969."
A huge investigation occurred and when it was complete it sent people to prison and of course Nixon resigned. And I read all about that but what was interesting particularly two people that went to prison one became a born-again Christian and I believe the other one a Presbyterian minister . Interesting. What is it going to profit you to gain the world and you end up in hell for all the eternity. Stop and think before you lose your soul.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth said to turn people from Satan unto God and these people have turned the wrong way and need ministering.
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
So Christ said if you do it for the least you have done it on to him .
43 I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Matthew 25:43
Timothy was a traveling Christian street preacher administering the word of God and being a soldier for Jesus like street preachers are out preaching even among wolves. There is a time and place for everything. But hypocrites of course will judge. Various ministries do research on such subjects and address it. May the Lord be blessed and may these people be ministered onto.
Matthew 24:12
New King James Version
12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow (A)cold.
One Time Elvis Presley was said to have failed at the Grand old Opry and told to go back to driving a truck. I've heard this for years on top of them saying that rock and roll is demonic and promotes juvenile delinquency.
Elvis Presley was told the music he was making being rock and roll was contributing to juvenile delinquency. You know a lot of things can contribute to such a thing. What about before the birth of rock and roll centuries ago when sins were running through the roof and God flooded the whole world. Genusis 6.9 The heart is abundantly wicked. But they do say growing up in a good family does matter. You can have a parent that's too strict and that is not good. You can have a parent that is not strict at all and that is not good. If you grow up seeing your mother and father fighting all the time that is not good. Society in general is opposed to the things that be of God. But then again the Bible says that the authorities are ordained of God. And they say some nations were founded on God's principles/laws and that is referenced in the Bible. But there's delinquency in people that are not juveniles too. You know there's an excuse that a lot of people use "We were young then". It's true in a sense. Jesus Christ of Nazareth was young and he was a child that was so bright that it astonished the religious figures of his day. God provided many different people in life. God gave us great prophets, apostles, teachers, preachers and his word being the Bible. God gave us his only begotten son. John 3:16 God gave us grace and mercy despite all of us deserving hell. So perhaps you Christians, preachers and street preachers might look into this and have some sermons, preaching and give it/these people some attention. You see in America, even Canada and as reported in other parts of the world it seems like lawlessness abounds through the roof. Praise the Lord and give him Glory. 5:44 p.m. August 18th 2022
Something DARK is going on with HOLLYWOOD - How SATAN has managed to destroy many souls?
On search below...
What contributed to juvenile delinquency?
"Family characteristics such as poor parenting skills, family size, home discord, child maltreatment, and antisocial parents are risk factors linked to juvenile delinquency (Derzon and Lipsey, 2000; Wasserman and Seracini, 2001)."
What theory causes juvenile delinquency the most?
"Anomie Theory"
"Merton's theory explains that juvenile delinquency occurs because the juveniles do not have the means to make themselves happy. Their goals are unattainable within legal means so they find unlawful means by which to attain their goals." Oct 10, 2021
This is a subject that faces the Christian church greatly.
You can read the complete article here
Concluded rework of this blog and update 4:40 p.m. August 19, 2022
In my afterthoughts for juvenile delinquency without getting into huge studies we already know a great deal of the answer. We wrestle not against flesh and blood and when certain things are done that totally blocks out God's word it's inevitable that you are putting yourself into spiritual danger as well as sometimes physical danger. The mind of the youth is still developing. Pride comes before a fall. Birds of a feather flock together. Parents give in to children and give them what they want. I've experienced this. Not particularly with myself but with others. When you give in to a child you teach them that it pays to do that wickedness and the Bible/God's word is against this. At the same time parents should not be abusive to children. It's called parenting. You have to raise them properly. It's not an easy task. Remember that old saying show me your friends and I will tell you who you are? In a sense that's true. Bad companies corrupts good morals. If there's no righteousness at home in terms of people swearing and talking dirty the children will pick this up. I knew of parents that were together for over 50 years and they had children that talk dirty and indulged in all manner of the flesh. The Bible says God cannot tempt you it's impossible but the devil can and will. The Bible says resist the devil and he will flee from you. You can't serve two masters. If you're an atheist it's going to even be harder for you. You know what at the same time we don't want to condemn our friends who are not perfect because we are to love them. But you need wisdom so you know how to delegate who to hang around and when not to. I remember my dad would come home tired from work and my mom would want him to go to my friend's house who's Dad talked dirty. He would look for excuses not to go and she would do as the manipulation that women do to get him to go. Sometimes he would give in and come home miserable. So what did he do, he stayed at work after work to avoid going home. He put his passion into his jobs. This is not the way a marriage should be conducted. And how do I know this because I worked with him.
6 facts about crime and the adolescent brain
After school the prime time for juvenile delinquency