Make sure your worshiping the true God. Make sure you got the right Christ as described in the King James Bible. Whom is/was Jesus Christ 1 2
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
August 23 2022 6:44 p.m.
God hates divorce
There's a good video by a special brother and he gives a long teaching on divorce and I think it's a little while back talking about 4 years but it's still relevant. Today society is confused and the devil hates marriage as they say. They say God divorced Israel for breaking the Covenant. But God tells us he hates divorce and the grounds for divorce are mainly sexual promiscuity. Fornication. In Torah there were certain grounds that were allowed as Jeff explains. God doesn't take divorce lightly according to his word. The man could end up sinning against his own God. So all the particulars have to be weighed for a man to make a decision. Even a woman. There's a lot of stories out there and this is a topic that needs to be covered. Now Pastor Jeff Durbin talks about the gender identity being complicated issues today. He does say it's a little confusing sometimes but how God made them male and female in the beginning.
How does a Christian deal with divorce?
" The Christian faith does not promote or encourage divorce. It does not casually condone divorce or take it lightly ."
"God, the Creator of humanity and of marriage itself, has laid out His plan for marriage as a lifelong union. God knows this design is the best. When we stray from His plan, as we have seen in the studies mentioned above, the results are damaging on many levels." Jun 7, 2021
"Unfortunately, many Christians see nothing wrong with divorce, at least in their own particular situation. But the Bible clearly addresses marriage and divorce."
1 Corinthians 7:10-11
King James Version
10 And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
1 Corinthians 7:10-11
New International Version
10 To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord): A wife must not separate from her husband. 11 But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife.
Hebrews 13:4
King James Version
4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
Matthew 19:9
King James Version
9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
Does God want me to divorce my husband?
"Jesus teaches grounds for divorce. However, the basis of divorce needs to be biblical, not "God wants me happy." And, if you are going to live by the cliché that "God wants me happy" then stick around for five years and you will be. But as we said, holiness not happiness must be the priority." Jun 21, 2016
Jeff does talk about if a person is married to an unbeliever what to do. They become sanctified because of the believing partner. And so are the kids clean. Interesting isn't it. But he looks at all the intricate things and examines them. 7:44 p.m. August 23 2022
Divorce and Remarriage: EVERYTHING the Bible Says about It.
Well I like all the things you touched upon and he went very deep. So much. The abundance of the heart. Some people are not right with God. Some people don't even serve as a real God. Some people serve the world and not the real God and their hearts are very far from him.
I found an interesting comment
God tells us to forgive and to love each other and the husband has to love the wife the way Christ loved the church. We're going to stand before him and be judged one day so make sure what you're doing. The devil loves to destroy families.
This brother in Christ is it darn good Street preacher. You know a few celebrities have died recently including Kris Kristofferson as reported. And the Australian woman. The one who played in Greece with John Travolta. If they were born again Christians I don't know. I believe she called herself a Christian. But in marriage it is serious business and it's a lifetime long commitment according to God. I am well aware of what he is saying here and he is right. The awful thing is when it's done in the limelight for the world to see almost like a speculative thing. I would certainly hope that they stay together. I did look into their backgrounds as well the curiosity of a Christian. Do such parties understand what it means to love each other? Pray for them brothers and sisters.
I can't say I am SHOCKED. I knew this was coming!
Divorce and remarriage, what does the Bible really say - YouTube
Is It Ever Okay To Get A Divorce? - YouTube