SEE : Christian News
What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Lies do not lead to eternal life but to eternal damnation.
SEE : Christian News
What is your life but a vapor here today and gone tomorrow. Lies do not lead to eternal life but to eternal damnation.
September 28th 2022 2:44 a.m
Reaping the world in abominations
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ? Mark 8:36
I saw a YouTube short about a particular set of women that became famous. They have an influence on the world that is astonishing and their net worth is incredibly high as reported. Some people have become famous with opportunities that present themselves. There is sin of course in such peoples lives and it is evident to a Christian who has understanding. You know we don't condemn or be-little people that are successful if it comes out of decency and is truly earned especially wholesome. We can't be jealous or we shouldn't be jealous of what people have in life or even their position or their disposition. But the way to life is a straight narrow gateway just as Christ has said. There are people that are poor because they're poor and they don't have a means to overcome it. It's not that they can't overcome it but it's that it's hard when you're at the bottom. Then there are people that are poor because they don't care and maybe they don't pray or they pray to the wrong God or in the wrong way without understanding or even faith. Then there are people that have been tarnished and damaged from many different avenues of evil in this life and as a result of that perhaps they become alcoholics, or drug dependent people or some other crippling status. Then there are crippled people. People with physical disabilities. That must be hard but it doesn't mean such people are without sin. Always give praise to the biblical Lord Jesus Christ who died for the sins of the world despite your position. You see that is not the way like such rich people that have influence on young people/others and that live such a life. If you follow the true God you can't serve two masters and if you try you will fail for sure. You see it's not your work that you can impress the true God with even on the day of judgment but it's your ability to understand if you're one of his true sheep. Do you have oil in your lamps or have you been careless. It's very easy to be swayed away even for a True Believer so it takes some sort of firm plantation to keep both feet on the ground and move forward. You see there are two kingdoms in the world. The kingdom of the devil. Matthew 25 and 26 Luke 4:5 and 6 and the kingdom of the true God. Matthew 3:2 You either are deceived in various ways because you could be an atheist or you could be a True Believer but have a foot in both kingdoms. It doesn't work. It's a very unwise to do so. You have to choose this day whom you will serve. You see remember Christ told the devil when he was tempted it is written thou shall serve the Lord and only the Lord shall thou serve. Deuteronomy 6:13 -1 6 Luke 4:8
Now John 10:10 tells us the evil one is a murderer and a robber but Christ came to give you an abundance of life. He died for the sins of the world and he laid down his life for many. For God so loved the world. John 3:16 within . The Bible tells us that God will give every man according to his works so yes your works are important but you (people) can be doing works and never be saved. You could be doing works thinking that you're his sheep and be following the world and not obeying him. Or you could be applying scripture to some other Christ that didn't die for you. How do you expect him to know you on the day of judgment. Many people are religious like those Pharisees and while they might do a few nice deeds they might be swimming in a sea full of abominations and not even know it. The Bible says you must be born again and this is exactly what Christ told Nicodemus to Sanhedrin Pharisee. John 3:3 This is the regeneration of the heart. Without the shedding of blood there would be no forgiveness of sins. Christ cursed entire towns because of their failure to believe let alone repent. It's important to God that you understand what sin is in that you repent of whatever it is that you're doing. Fornication is a very serious sin and it can send you (people) straight to hell. Divorce is also another very serious sin. When people are quick for divorce they do not love God now depending on the circumstances of course. You see because the two become one flesh. The Bible says God highly esteem a contrite individual say a man and a God-fearing woman. This means a holy woman who does not follow the world. She does not befriend the world but has a close loving and bondable relationship with the true living God. She doesn't practice abominations or falsehoods. She has a love for the truth and the truth has sets her free. She's not bound to lies and deception. She is a born again Christian.
In my afterthoughts and notes you see our positions or dispositions can influence other people to sin because especially if we're modeling something to the world that is a sin filled magnetic reaper but we don't see that. Many who do this probably don't even care. It's just like if you sing a song stating that there's no Heaven or Hell people might believe that and eventually lose their soul. Be careful what you are attracted to. Be careful what you ponder on. You can't follow two masters and God gave us his only begotten son. Sometimes people put a stumbling block so people can't enter the door to Salvation. This is what the Pharisees were doing. Other people are doing the same as well as the devil of course. He comes and snatches away the seed. You can become God's enemy. As written in 1 John 2:15 15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
First started on September 27th 2022 12:21 p.m. noon