You know God tells us that all have gone astray and none understand. Now of course Born Again Christians throughout the centuries have been called Saints. But Christ said there is none righteous but God who is in heaven. Now we know besides Christ that God has chosen people out of this world that are close to him and that do his will. But the majority of the people miss the whole spectrum and are led astray .
SEE : Christian News
Please see : Pottymouth Vomit
A Heart of Stone for a Heart of Flesh:
See Ezekiel 36:26
There is an article and it's about Christianity and Christ focusing on the Captain and Tennille the famous duel that divorced in 2014. Their success people dream about and I was involved in music in some ways from childhood and I used to watch their show and like their hits back in the day. This is a group that you can tell the wife sincerely loved her husband but she claims he didn't have that intimate relationship with her and she wrote a book about it. It's a very sad situation in the end. Jesus of Nazareth is real as he is risen and he died for you and loved you more than anything in this world as he laid down his life for a ransom of many to save souls. Mark 10:45 John 3:16 And the article talks about the intimate relationship that's required with the Lord Jesus Christ. God commands that people love him with all their heart mind and soul. It's a shameful thing when they put God last and don't acknowledge their own creator. It's also incredible the amount of talent that people can have and when they combine those talents the things that can be created/achieved which would be songs in this case. But what is it going to profit you to gain the world and lose your own soul. Now the captain Daryl Frank Dragon passed away a while back with his wife Toni at his side the day that he passed away. There's an article and I want you to read it and also ponder your own salvation. You see she claimed that intimacy was not there. They gained the world but as the article to the link I'm going to provide says something was missing. Hopefully this is not the case for all marriages . Jesus can keep you together and save your soul.
A Christ-follower with a limp: Captain and Tennille...and authenticity
October 10th 2022 2:44 amem
"I Did It My Way"
You know I love a good song and a good voice and I think Toni Tennille was blessed in a sense and a fine-looking young woman. Even her formal husband was a great musician. But I did see images some of them were modest and admirable as a Christian and others that were advertising her body as what is done when you're in the world of the flesh and the devil. She might not see it like that but that's what it is according to Christ and God's word. You cannot serve two masters. And I haven't read the book about her memoirs but I did read a few people's response to reading the book and I did think about what I mentioned yesterday and look what a reader who purchased the book said and this is just a tiny part of it.
" Toni has no trouble throwing The Captain under the bus at every opportunity, and instead of seeing her own inabilities to be a functioning, communicating adult, she quickly points out his flaws whenever any issues arises. He wants to eat health food and instead of her having the hamburger she craves she caves into his demands; he wants to spend all day in his separate bedroom and she says nothing about it--well, honey, just stand up for yourself! (Which she finally did a couple years ago when she divorced him out of nowhere.) In truth the more she tells his story the more she is condemning herself for failing to do her part in communicating clearly. He's a mess, but she's an enabler who becomes very passive-aggressive and ultimately I felt more sorry for him having to put up with her ."
God's word tells us to fear Him and not man that can kill the body and do no more. God tells us to have a love of the world is to despise his commandments. If so we are risking God's love for us. James 4:4 but the world doesn't buy the truth because it hates the light and it's a reproach to it. A lot of women end up using their vanity for advertising sometimes in a derogatory or sexual way and they inspire\influence thousands of young people probably to worldliness in rebellion and even to lose their soul. God tells us love nothing in this world but to have a love for him and for the things that are of God because narrow is the way that leads to (life) ie: his kingdom and broad is the way that leads to destruction. If you thoroughly examine the scriptures once the apostles became true believers they did not follow the world nor did the prophets. Nor did Christ or John the Baptist themselves. I set life and death before you choose life is what God says. But people choose death and despise their own soul and follow many false ways until they breathe their last breath and they might be thrust into a place called hell. Even among those who are Christians we like to preach the good news but the world sees the evil and those things that are wicked unto God as fun, pleasure and intriguing. It puts a great deal of its aspirations into things that become idolatry and refuses to acknowledge that. As those of the world would probably have a better relationship with their pets then with the true Living God who is blessed forever. Now another thing I find odd and strange is Toni Tennille and her former husband Daryl the captain did not have any children after 39 years of marriage?
"She and Dragon do not have any children. The pair married in November 1974 and released their debut album, Love Will Keep Us Together, featuring their hit title cover of the Neil Sedaka tune, the following year." Jan 22, 2014
I wonder why they had no children?
I wonder why they had no children? 1:44 p.m. October 10th 202
Testimonies of faith in Christ
Woe unto YOU reprobates
In my after notes this is not to be negative but the real way to life is not the way most humans engage it according to the Bible. People despise the real way and there are so many deceptions in this world that lead people astray. The Bible talks about a god-fearing woman and how she is to be highly esteemed. She lives a holy life and does not follow the world. She is known to God and a great helper and partner to a man. Humans have many abominations and idolatry in great proportions but write them off. We have to decrease and Christ has to increase and he did say himself we can do nothing apart without him. People need to find out and research what is the life in Christ. What does it mean to be a born again Christian and what is a true Christian. How does the devil deceive the entire world? I sincerely wonder if you really know the answer to this or have your eyes been blinded by the god of this world?